Can I edit report content in print preview?

  • Sometimes I need to temporarily modify the content of the report for printing. For example, some wrong words in the report. However, it's almost impossible to go back to the designer for editing the content. Who can recommend a reporting tool which has the function of editing the content of report in print preview?

  • If I remember correctly reporting tools pull data from datasources so your data that you are trying to correct comes from a database. I think you should make such corrections at the database.

    That said SQL Server 2008 comes with the option to pull a table instead of query your could try that or use Report Builder.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • What reporting tool are you using? I'm using RAQ Report. RAQ Report is a free java reporting tool. It supports editing in print preview, and the operation is very easy. Users only need to check the button "Edit in preview" when designing the report.

    You can download RAQ Report at[/url]

    Wish it can help you.

    Welcome to my blog[/url].:P

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