Strange error

  • I'm debuggin a prod issue. There is a job that runs the below sql. I don't know who wrote it and there are some serious issues i have w/ the way it was implimented. Specifically the loading of the top 5,000,000 into a table variable. Regardless i changed it to top 5000 for testing purposes and i still get an error. Proc Desc: Looks like this is an archiving process, peeling recs who are 90 days old and pushing them to an archive db. Can you guys take a cursory look and let me know if there is something obvious i'm missing here. I've never seen that sort of error.


    --begin proc============================================================

    set ansi_warnings off

    set nocount on

    declare @rc int,

    @ptr int,

    @batch int

    declare @temp table (rid int identity(1,1) primary key,

    visitorid int not null)

    insert @temp (visitorid)

    Select top 5000000 a.visitorid

    From (

    Select top 5000000 visitorid

    From dbo.Visitors with (nolock)

    Where StartVisitDateTime < dateadd(dd,-90,convert(char(8),getdate(),112))

    order by Visitorid

    ) a

    Order by a.Visitorid

    set @rc = @@ROWCOUNT

    set @ptr = 1

    set @batch = 400

    print getdate()

    --select *

    --from @temp

    While @ptr <= @rc


    Insert mgm_archive.dbo.VisitorSources_archive with (tablock)

    select vs.VisitorID,vs.SourceID,vs.VisitDate,vs.MarketingMaterialID,vs.SubIDID,vs.FirstSource,vs.ImageID,vs.CampaignID

    from @temp t

    inner join dbo.VisitorSources vs with (nolock)

    on vs.visitorid = t.visitorid and

    t.rid between @ptr and @ptr + @batch - 1

    left outer join mgm_archive.dbo.VisitorSources_archive a with (nolock)

    on a.visitorid = vs.visitorid and

    a.sourceid = vs.sourceid and

    a.visitdate = vs.visitdate

    where a.visitorid is null

    If @@ERROR <> 0


    Raiserror('Error inserting VisitorSources',16,1)



    Delete vs with (rowlock)

    From @temp t

    inner join dbo.VisitorSources vs

    on vs.visitorid = t.visitorid and

    t.rid between @ptr and @ptr + @batch - 1

    If @@ERROR <> 0


    Raiserror('Error deleting VisitorSources',16,1)



    Insert mgm_archive.dbo.Visitors_archive with (tablock)

    select vs.VisitorID,vs.MasterID,vs.MerchantID,vs.ReturnVisitor,vs.PagesViewed,vs.SourceCount,vs.SourceID,vs.IPAddress,




    from @temp t

    inner join dbo.Visitors vs with (nolock)

    on vs.visitorid = t.visitorid and

    t.rid between @ptr and @ptr + @batch - 1

    left outer join mgm_archive.dbo.Visitors_archive a with (nolock)

    on a.visitorid = vs.visitorid

    where a.visitorid is null

    If @@ERROR <> 0


    Raiserror('Error inserting Visitors',16,1)



    Delete vs with (rowlock)

    From @temp t

    inner join dbo.Visitors vs

    on vs.visitorid = t.visitorid and

    t.rid between @ptr and @ptr + @batch - 1

    If @@ERROR <> 0


    Raiserror('Error deleting Visitors',16,1)



    set @ptr = @ptr + @batch

    waitfor delay '00:00:00.010'


    print getdate()

    print @ptr

    --end proc============================================================

    ERROR: when i change it to top 5000 i get the below error

    May 20 2010 10:47AM

    Location: scanrid.cpp:359

    Expression: m_len != 0

    SPID: 141

    Process ID: 3448

    Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 77

    ERROR: When i let it run as is i get the below error

    May 20 2010 10:49AM

    Location: scanrid.cpp:359

    Expression: m_len != 0

    SPID: 141

    Process ID: 3448

    Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 77

  • equally as odd is the fact that my qury anal conn shows disconnected when it errors.

  • BaldingLoopMan (5/20/2010)

    equally as odd is the fact that my qury anal conn shows disconnected when it errors.

    There is nothing odd about the connection. Sev 20 errors do exactly that. From what I understand, the problem might be caused by the log file size getting close to run the disk on which it is located out of space. Please check how much log growth the batch causes.


  • I had to debug a painfully similar script about a year ago. The problem we had was limited to the enormous log file growth and ridiculously slow execution times. The remedy I found was very simple and consisted of 2 simple tweaks:

    1. Use the real temp table instead of the table variable. The problem with table variable is that you cannot create a non-clustered index on it (unless you create non-clustered PK, which is not the case in your batch), and it appears that your batch might benefit from the non-clustered index on the visitorid column in the temp table (depending on cardinality of course, but you can make this decision because you see the data).

    2. Definitely try to play with the value of the batch size variable. Currently, it appears to be too small. At 400 batch size and 5,000,000 records in the temp table it will do 12,500 iterations in the while loop, each inserting, deleting and inserting data. In my case I had to crank it up to 50,000 to see a huge boost in performance and so it was adjusted to that value with no problems since.


  • This is SQL Server 2000, right? What is the exact version please? Is the VisitorSources table a heap with non-clustered indexes? The reason I ask is that the code assertion failure you are seeing (line 359 of scanrid.cpp) can happen during deletion of a non-clustered index entry on a heap.

    Before doing anything else, check you have full verified backups and run DBCC CHECKDB on that database.

  • Oleg Netchaev (5/20/2010)

    ...The problem with table variable is that you cannot create a non-clustered index on it...

    Well you can, it just has to be unique and created at declaration time:

    DECLARE @temp

    TABLE (




  • Paul White NZ (5/21/2010)

    Oleg Netchaev (5/20/2010)

    ...The problem with table variable is that you cannot create a non-clustered index on it...

    Well you can, it just has to be unique and created at declaration time:

    DECLARE @temp

    TABLE (




    I was just trying to point out that nonclustered index might be not an option in this specific case if table variable is used. This is because I was not sure that visitorid is unique and not unique nonclustered index cannot be created/added.

    Paul, do you remember if the table variables existed in SQL Server 2000? If not then he has to have higher than 2000 version right?

    I still believe that whatever I suggested in my last post might make sense. I had to work on the problem really similar to the one described.


  • Oleg Netchaev (5/21/2010)

    I was just trying to point out that nonclustered index might be not an option in this specific case if table variable is used. This is because I was not sure that visitorid is unique and not unique nonclustered index cannot be created/added.

    I see. One can always make an index unique by including the PK of course!

    Paul, do you remember if the table variables existed in SQL Server 2000? If not then he has to have higher than 2000 version right?

    Introduced in SQL Server 2000, yes.

    I still believe that whatever I suggested in my last post might make sense. I had to work on the problem really similar to the one described.

    You might well be right, Oleg. I just wanted to add that the system assertion has a specific cause.


  • I saw on other posts yesterday that line 359 hints that the database is near corruption, I just hope that this is not the case.


  • Oleg Netchaev (5/21/2010)

    I saw on other posts yesterday that line 359 hints that the database is near corruption, I just hope that this is not the case.

    Agreed. Definitely time for a DBCC CHECKDB (though I'm sure BaldingLoopMan runs them regularly ;-))

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