Can I export to Excel and force my headers into page headers in Excel?

  • This may require Javascript or something but is there some way of setting up my reports in SSRS 2005 so that when I export to Excel, my page headers go directly into the excel headers. I don't mean into the top few rows of the spreadsheet, I mean so that when you print preview, you can see them but when you're looking at the data, they're not there.

  • it's probably not possible out-of-the-box, so you should look into building your own rendering extension for this, or maybe you can find a third-party rendering extension that suits your needs.

    If you have to build it yourself, I think it would be easier to render to excel 2007-2010 format, as that is essentially a zipped set of xml-files, whereas excel 1997-2003 is a binary format.

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

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