Sub query expressions vs. Joins.

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Sub query expressions vs. Joins.

    Brian Ellul
    Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.
    - Albert Einstein -

  • [x] Reside

  • What happens if you use a left join in the second of the two queries. The fact they both returned 40000 rows is by coincidence, cos the sub select would returns if their isn't an equi joiin

  • Its interesting your article, one thing its not clear enought to me is why do you open your article with a GROUP and COUNT issue but later you develop a SELECT JOIN for 1-m topic ?

    The first, taking case of GROUP BY, it would be iteresting to know how it works if you want to calculate for each ManagerId, two clumns, COUNT of workers with SALARY>1500 and COUNT of workers with SALARY<=1500, not using a CASE, but using a SUBQUERY to count vs. any other approach.

    Related to the analysis of the execution plant its very helpful your comments and the bibliography you have referenced.

    One last advice, not to use classic SELF linked case of EMPLOYEE-MANAGER as data sample since its not normalized as two tables but one table with references to it self.



  • Thank you - I also wonder how the sub-query or join would compare to Cross (or Outer) Apply - as in the following query?

    SELECT EmployeeID, Salary, RActive, CAM.ManagerName FROM Employees

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT ManagerName FROM Managers WHERE Managers.ManagerID = Employees.ManagerID) CAM

    WHERE Employees.ManagerID = 1

  • What about vice versa condition?

    For example, I have two tables. First, a table for list of accounts. Second, a table for list of account's transactions.

    I want to get the last transaction amount from second table for each of account in the first table.

    How about that? Which one of those queries I might choose?


  • Brian, Thanks for the article. I have a question here. I am not gonna post the DDL scripts as I have used your sample tables.

    Consider the following statement that you had posted:

    Select COUNT(*),ManagerID

    From Employees

    Group By ManagerID

    Order By ManagerID

    Now say, I need a third column which shows all the subordinates (IDs in this case) of a manager as csv. Can this be done in a better way than this?



    COUNT(*) [No of Subs],

    (select(stuff((select ',' + cast(EmployeeID as varchar)

    from Employees where managerid = e.managerid

    for xml path('')),1,1,''))) [SubIDs]

    from Employees e

    group By e.ManagerID

    order By e.ManagerID

    I know the requirement (showing IDs as csv) is a little weird but I had to get similar output in some reports. Please comment.

    - arjun

  • bayudw (7/22/2010)

    What about vice versa condition?

    For example, I have two tables. First, a table for list of accounts. Second, a table for list of account's transactions.

    I want to get the last transaction amount from second table for each of account in the first table.

    How about that? Which one of those queries I might choose?


    I have assumed this schema. AccountID and TransactionID should be primary keys. AccountID should be a foreign key in #Transaction. You can create non-clustered indexes on #Transaction.AccountID and #Transaction.TransactionDate. Alternately, you can also use TransactionID column for orderby clause of row_number.

    You should have posted this as a separate thread. I can't see any relation to the topic.

    --I have two tables. First, a table for list of accounts. Second, a table for list of accounts transactions.

    --I want to get the last transaction amount from second table for each of account in the first table.

    create table #Account(AccountID int identity(1,1), AccountName char(2))

    create table #Transaction(TransactionID int identity(1,1), AccountID int, TransactionAmount float, TransactionDate datetime)

    insert into #Account

    select 'A1' union

    select 'A2' union

    select 'A3'

    insert into #Transaction

    select 1, 145.50, dateadd(mi,-10,getdate())

    insert into #Transaction

    select 1, 125.50, getdate()

    insert into #Transaction

    select 2, 245.50, dateadd(mi,-10,getdate())

    insert into #Transaction

    select 2, 225.50, dateadd(mi,-5,getdate())

    insert into #Transaction

    select 2, 205.50, getdate()

    insert into #Transaction

    select 3, 345.50, dateadd(mi,-10,getdate())

    select * from #Account

    select * from #Transaction

    ;with cte as


    select *,

    row_number() over(partition by AccountID order by TransactionDate desc) [RN]

    from #Transaction


    select * from cte where RN = 1

    drop table #Account

    drop table #Transaction

    - arjun

  • The Script is not working in SQL SERVER 2005 the populate tables procedure is having an insert into managers with multiple values.

    In order to run it correctly it should be changed to

    INSERT INTO Managers (ManagerName) VALUES ('Manager1');

    INSERT INTO Managers (ManagerName) VALUES('Manager2');

    INSERT INTO Managers (ManagerName) VALUES('Manager3');



  • Thanks for your replay.

    I use this query below :

    Select A.AccountID, A.OpenDate,

    'Amount'=(Select Top 1 TransactionAmount From Transaction Where AccountID=A.AccountID order by TransactionDate desc)

    From Account A


    any idea else ?

  • bayudw, i think the row_number() solution will be faster than the query you currently use. check it out and share the execution time/plan.

    - arjun

  • There is a big flaw in the article, you take two different statements with the same result but only by accident. The subselect ist quite the same as an outer join. The second statement uses an inner join which is in this example the same because ther is no employe without manager. But if there would be an employe without manager the statments would have different results. so it depends on what you try to accomplish. If you have two tables that could be inner joined, the inner join will be better than a subselect. But if you have to do an outer join, than the subselect will be mostly equal to the join. A third scenario could bethat you need an outer join AND more than one column from the subselect (multiple subselects), than the outer join will be much better than the subselect.

    So there is a big difference in which scenario you are using subselects. in some scenarios there will be virtually no difference between both approches.

    And if you are using oracle databases than all of this is the exact opposite than in mssql. 😉 I tried this example on my oracle db and found out that an subselect has only half the costs than the join even if i do multiple subselects.

  • I was thinking something is missing from this article, and whats missing is the reasoning why joins are generally better than sub queries. The reasoning give you more knowledge of why and when you should use joins as opposed sub queries. It would be erroneous otherwise.

    Having an Oracle background the answer comes to me quite fast. They are better because they can be used by the optimizing compiler to reduce the amount of data that the database has to go though to get the answer.

    Thus if the solution requires that the database go though all of the data then a sub-query might be better because a join may force the use of an index, and in that case you are traversing the index and all of the data, such as joining a large and small data set in addition to requiring all of the data from the larger data set.

  • would like to see how these queries perform using CTE instead

  • glen.Gorman (7/22/2010)

    I was thinking something is missing from this article, and whats missing is the reasoning why joins are generally better than sub queries. The reasoning give you more knowledge of why and when you should use joins as opposed sub queries. It would be erroneous otherwise.

    Having an Oracle background the answer comes to me quite fast. They are better because they can be used by the optimizing compiler to reduce the amount of data that the database has to go though to get the answer.

    Thus if the solution requires that the database go though all of the data then a sub-query might be better because a join may force the use of an index, and in that case you are traversing the index and all of the data, such as joining a large and small data set in addition to requiring all of the data from the larger data set.

    Maybe that's true in Oracle but it's not true in SQL Server. Oracle is mostly rule based and SQL Server is cost based. The other thing is that the Execution Plan in SQL Server lies like a rug when it comes to real cost and Grant Fritchey used one of my examples in his Apress book to demonstrate. You should only use the execution plan as a guide, not as gospel when it comes to performance. Here's an example similar to what Grant used in his book...



    This code demonstrates that the estimated and actual execution plans in SQL Server can

    be 100% INCORRECT and that the execution plan should only be relied on to provide hints

    as to what may be wrong with a query rather than an absolute indication. This code runs

    in SQL Server 2005 only.

    The code creates a temp table for 10 years worth of dates starting with 2000-01-01 using

    two different methods. The first method uses a recursive CTE and the second method uses

    a "Tally" table. The output of each method is directed to a "throw-away" variable to

    take display delays out of the picture.

    Please check both the actual and estimated execution plans and compare the % of batch.

    Please see the following article on how to build a Tally table and how they can be used

    to replace certain While Loops.




    -- Recursive method shown by (Name with-held)


    PRINT '========== Recursive method =========='

    --===== Turn on some performance counters ===============================================



    DECLARE @Bitbucket DATETIME --Holds display output so display times aren't measured.

    --===== Execute the code being tested ===================================================


    SET @DateVal = '2000-01-01'

    ;with mycte as


    select @DateVal AS DateVal

    union all

    select DateVal + 1

    from mycte

    where DateVal + 1 < DATEADD(yy, 10, @DateVal)


    select @Bitbucket = d.dateval

    from mycte d


    --===== Turn off the performance counters and print a separator =========================






    -- Tally table method by Jeff Moden


    PRINT '========== Tally table method =========='

    --===== Turn on some performance counters ===============================================



    DECLARE @Bitbucket DATETIME --Holds display output so display times aren't measured.

    --===== Execute the code being tested ===================================================


    SET @StartDate = '2000-01-01'

    SELECT TOP (DATEDIFF(dd,@StartDate,DATEADD(yy,10,@StartDate)))

    @Bitbucket = @StartDate-1+t.N

    FROM dbo.Tally t


    --===== Turn off the performance counters and print a separator =========================





    In the case of this article, a similar problem occurs simply because the author didn't test identically functioning code.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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