On SQL 2008 Replication Monitor Refreshing Distributor takes long time

  • We have SQL 2008 instances on Windows 2008 OS, one of our production db has 4 publications and configured with 1 distributor and around 130 subscriptions configured on the 4 publications. Subscriptions are scheduled to run every 1 minute (as per App team request). On the replication monitor when trying to connect the publisher takes long time (around 10+ minutes) to refresh (I mean to list all the publications), every time takes the same time.

    Is this delay expected because of the 130 subscriptions or something wrong in the settings?

    Below is the settings.

    4 Publications

    Pub1 - 60 Subscriptions

    Pub2 - 6 Subscriptions

    Pub3 - 60 Subscriptions

    Pub4 - 8 Subscriptions

    1 Distributor serving for all the above subscriptions.

    Please guide.

  • I am actually experiencing the same issue in a test environment. We are running SQL Server 2008 Enterprise on a Windows Server 2008 box. We have 12 publications going out to 10 subscribers. When I open up Replication Monitor and try to expand the left hand tree it takes over an hour (literally). Additionally, the Subscription Watch List tab seems frozen; I won't refresh. The settings are for it to refresh every 5 seconds, but the numbers on the latency will stay the same and only change once or twice an hour (even if I hit F5 or close the window and open it again). The status will also say that it's not replicating, or critical, but when I actually update a table on the publisher it makes it out to the subscriber in less than a second. I have tried running EXECUTE sys.sp_replmonitorrefreshjob @iterations = 1; but it takes over an hour to run and it doesn't fix the issue. We've rebooted the Publisher, Distributor, and Subscribers but that didn't fix the issue either. If anyone could please help it would be great. Thanks.

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