Blog Post

It’s Done - SQLSat35


This is a strange feeling.  No frantic deadlines.  No daily conference calls with the team.  No hurried trips to the printers, no sessions to juggle around, no all-day Saturday work days coming up.  My kids recognize me again.  I know what my house looks like in daylight.

More importantly, I get to resurrect my neglected blog. 🙂

SQL Saturday Dallas was held this weekend, with over 400 attendees, speakers, volunteers, and vendors in the house.  We had 42 sessions, plus several lunchtime presentations by our sponsors, and a live taping of a MidnightDBA episode.  This event was almost a year in the making, headed up by the leadership of the North Texas SQL Server User Group and involving more than 40 volunteers before and during the event.  It was a good day all around – food was great, the sessions were excellent, and, as fellow committee member Dave Stein pointed out, “nobody died”.

I’m working on a comprehensive postmortem to post later in the week, but for now, I want to say a word of thanks to all of the speakers, volunteers, vendors, and attendees who were a part of this event.


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