Left outer join in my sql procedure

  • My left outer join below works in a sql query window just as I would expect however not in my stored proc result.

    Let me explain:

    1) Here's the stand alone query working fine :

    select s.ticket as tick_strat, s.dependent as dep, s.sort_string as sort, ord.ticket, ord.status FROM order_fx ord

    LEFT OUTER JOIN order_strategy s

    ON s.ticket = ord.ticket

    order by ord.ticket

    2) Now I try to incorporate this into a stored proc as follows (just a snippet of the proc is posted).

    Please note the CASE/WHEN statement which attempts to return LTRIM(STR(s.ticket)) + '(d)'



    CASE when ord.buy_sell=1 then 'Buy'

    when ord.buy_sell=2 then 'Sell'






    WHEN ord.tick_lnk2 !=0 THEN LTRIM(STR(ord.ticket))+ '(o)'

    WHEN ord.sub_type = 'LOOP' THEN LTRIM(STR(ord.ticket))+ '(l)'

    WHEN ord.tick_lnk1 !=0 and ord.sub_type !='LOOP' THEN LTRIM(STR(ord.ticket)) + '(d)'

    WHEN s.ticket <> null THEN LTRIM(STR(s.ticket)) + '(d)'

    ELSE LTRIM(STR(ord.ticket))


    s.ticket as tick_strat, /* TEST SECTION TO SHOW GROUP STRATEGY !!! */

    s.dependent as dep,

    s.sort_string as sort,

    into #temp

    FROM filter_list flst, users u, order_fx ord

    LEFT OUTER JOIN order_strategy s /* add order_strategy to query */

    ON s.ticket = ord.ticket


    status not in ('EXECUTED','FILLED')

    AND u.client = @client

    AND ord.client = @client


    And my problem is that this line is not getting respected at all :

    WHEN s.ticket <> null THEN LTRIM(STR(s.ticket)) + '(d)'

    I would expect certain records to come back with a TICKET column value something like "855761(D)"; i.e. the previous three WHEN statements part of that same CASE seem to work fine but not when looking at the "s" alias .



  • OK, so what is the question, or where does it fail and how?

  • my apologies, as I got distracted and posted before I actually asked the final question.

    Note: my outer join is on table name "order_strategy", and I reference it using alias "s". Then in the WHEN clause I want to reference alias "s" ONLY if its record is not NULL.

    it doesn't seem to repect that WHEN clause...

  • one obvious issue

    s.ticket <> null

    should be

    s.ticket is not null

    Which table does status come from?

    Do you really want to cross join the other tables?

    Cursors never.
    DTS - only when needed and never to control.

  • Yes you pointed out something interesting : "status" column comes from order_fx . I suppose that should be qualfied with the "ord" alias to be consistent.

    And yes, I would like to cross join the ORDER_STRATEGY table to see I there are special links between ticket numbers ? Hence if a ticket# exists in both Order_fx AND Order_Strategy, I want to account for that.

  • bob mazzo (11/12/2010)

    My left outer join below works in a sql query window just as I would expect however not in my stored proc result.

    Let me explain:

    1) Here's the stand alone query working fine :

    select s.ticket as tick_strat, s.dependent as dep, s.sort_string as sort, ord.ticket, ord.status FROM order_fx ord

    LEFT OUTER JOIN order_strategy s

    ON s.ticket = ord.ticket

    order by ord.ticket


    It's completely different to the query you're referencing in the stored procedure. Test us much as you can in a SSMS window before committing to a sproc. Often all you have to do (to test it once it's in a sproc) is comment out the TRY-CATCH block and convert the parameters to a DECLARE.

    bob mazzo (11/12/2010)


    FROM filter_list flst, users u, order_fx ord

    LEFT OUTER JOIN order_strategy s /* add order_strategy to query */

    ON s.ticket = ord.ticket


    status not in ('EXECUTED','FILLED')

    AND u.client = @client

    AND ord.client = @client


    Old-style joins (FROM table1, table2 WHERE table2.column=table1.column) will be deprecated in a future version of SQL Server. Mixing old-style joins with explicit JOINs is never a good idea. Change to explicit JOIN syntax throughout:

    FROM filter_list flst

    CROSS JOIN (SELECT <<whatever>>

    FROM users u

    INNER JOIN order_fx ord ON ord.client = u.client

    LEFT OUTER JOIN order_strategy s ON s.ticket = ord.ticket

    WHERE ord.client = @client)

    Or starting with your original query:

    SELECT s.ticket as tick_strat, s.dependent as dep, s.sort_string as sort, ord.ticket, ord.status

    FROM order_fx ord

    LEFT OUTER JOIN order_strategy s ON s.ticket = ord.ticket

    INNER JOIN users u ON u.client = ord.client

    WHERE ord.client = @client

    - does this work as it should? If so, time to figure out what type of join to use for filter_list.

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    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

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