SSIS package execution fails due to data type

  • Hi SQL experts,

    I am trying to create an SSIS package which gets the data from Oracle and inserts into SQL server......I am using a Derived column and the transformations of the package depends upon the VBscript(In other words the transformations which i create is done by mimicking the filters which exist in the VB file ).....There are 2 derived columns which i include in the package

    i)I get the time column from the Oracle and i need to apply the following transformations in derived column(for time in SQL Server)

    1) Convert the time to String

    2) time.SubString(9, time.length-9)

    ii)I get the date column from Oracle and i need to apply the following transformations in derived column(for date in SQL Server)

    1) Convert the date to String

    2) date.Substring(0,date.Length-11)

    3) String.Concat(concatenate the Time and date obtained from the above 2 derived columns)

    I guess i m getting some datatype errrors which executing the package......Can u help me in creating the Expression



  • You guess you're getting datatype errors? You're not sure?

    You're asking us to guess what those errors might be?

    You need to tell us what happens when you run the package. What errors do you get? What are you seeing that is correct?

    Alvin Ramard
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  • I am pretty sure its the issue with the data type.......Can you help me in creating the Expression for the derived columns???



  • What are the errors that you are getting? Can you copy-paste the exact error messages?

    And even more important: what are the requirements of your SSIS package? What are you trying to achieve?

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  • Here are some of the error message when the package was run

    Error: Columns "Derived Column T_TIME" AND "T_TIME" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

    (Here the name of the Derived Column and the name of the column for the time which i get from Oracle is same(i.e T_TIME)(I specified the Derived Column returns a datatype of Unicode string[DT_WSTR])

    Error: "component "OLE DB Destination" (520)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".

    I am pretty sure there is an error in Expression.....




  • I too have had problem with converting strings to datetime fields. After trying various different methods I now use a VB transform script and the DateTime.ParseExact .Net method. It allows for you to build a string in .Net and then easily convert to DateTime using a format string.

    For example:

    Imports System.Globalization

    Dim uk_culture As New CultureInfo("en-GB")

    Dim dateString As String = "Sun 15 Jun 2008 8:30 AM -06:00"

    Dim format As String = "ddd dd MMM yyyy h:mm tt zzz"

    Dim result As DateTime

    result = Date.ParseExact(dateString, format, uk_culture, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal)

  • Make sure you have mapped the right field to OLE DB Destination. If possible re-create the OLE DB Destination component and re-map.

    Amol Naik

  • Hi,

    You have to check the DataType of Both the columns. i.e,if you have to convert a column of datatype DT_WSTR to DT_STR then the first error (Columns "Derived Column T_TIME" AND "T_TIME" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.

    ) appears. Either make them both as DT_WSTR or DT_STR


    Amar Sale

    BI Developer
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