Good narrative introduction to transactional replication

  • Hey all,

    I am attempting to gain a better, more rigorous understanding of transactional replication in order to better serve the company I work for. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good resources (either books or online info) that provides a good narrative introduction to SQL replication.

    I know bits and pieces about replication based on clicking around the GUI of SSMS, but I want to gain a more comprehensive rigorous understanding of replication. I find SQL Books Online a little dry and disjointed (as I suppose a reference source may be).

    Ideally, I'd like a resource that explains the foundations of replication and how they relate to the actions used to administer replication. Nothing too theoretical, but it'd be nice if it would give me an idea as to the why and not just the how (if that makes sense).

    I would appreciate any recommendations that anyone can give.


  • here are 3 things i know about replication that make it "fun" to Administator

    1. all tables to be replicated must have a primary key.

    2. any schema change to a table that is replicated requires replication to be rebuilt.

    3. it is completely SQL Server Agent based.

    so considering those gotchas, real world issues.

    1. primary key while nice isn't always there.

    2. something as simple as adding a new column to a table is not possible unless it is 3 am on a Sunday.

    3. if your SQL agent goes down, replication will stop, your log files will grow and grow and you will find out about it when your server goes down because log disk is out of space...

    i wish the best of luck to you.

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