Accessing SSRS Report Manager after DBA is gone

  • The last DBA is gone, and I'm here. No one has passwords because he didn't share them. There is a Reporting Service farm that I need access to, but of course my login does not work because I haven't added myself as an Administrator in Report Manager. How can I get around this and add myself? I am a Local Admin on the server. Please help.

  • Hi Alicia,

    By default the BUILTIN\Administrator group (which maps to the local Windows Administrator group on the server running Reporting Services) has Content Manager rights on the Report Server from the root level folder downwards.

    However, it is possible to remove this - and indeed generally considered good practice to do so.

    If you are sure that you are a member of the local Windows Administrator group on the server, and you still do not have full access within Reporting Services then I would suggest that one of the previous DBAs you mentioned has removed this mapping.

    If one of their AD accounts still exists within your domain you could have the password changed and use that to connect to the server and then give your own account full rights.

    Otherwise I think it's bad news, I don't know of a way that you can regain access.

    Worth a support call to Microsoft?

    Sorry I can't suggest anything more.

  • Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I've checked Server Manager and I am a Windows Administrator through my DBA group, and as a single user. I will continue to troubleshoot for another day before calling Microsoft.

    Thanks again

  • One more thought that I had Alicia.

    If your Active Directory is being backed up, depending on the backup software you are using, it may be possible to perform a single object restore of one of the old DBA's AD accounts.

    If you can get this back, then you can have the password changed, and then you will be able to connect to Reporting Services with an account that has adequate permissions.

    Worth a try I think.

  • Solution from Microsoft Support: Log into the server running Report Server and open the Internet Explorer as Administrator by right-clicking and selecting "Run as Administrator", then type in the URL for the Report Manager.

    This did not work for me because we are using Forms Authentication. To determine if you are using Forms Authentication, open the rsreportserver.config file and look for the Authentication section. If you are using Forms Authentication, the password is embedded in a config file somewhere else, mine was in the the application config file. Hope this helps anyone else that has this problem.

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