sp_send_dbmail - send to operator

  • Dear friends

    long time since visiting.. but please could you help me today..!

    I am using sp_send_dbmail :

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLMail Profile',

    @recipients = 'richard.briggs@leansoftware.net', @copy_recipients = '',

    @importance = 'High', @subject = 'Email Subject',

    @body = 'Email Body....hi this is test email', @body_format = 'HTML' ;

    However rather than specifying email address I want to secify an SQL Operator.

    I have had a trawl trying to find out where to get list of defined Operators from .. but no luck yet .. can anyone guide me?

    Many thanks

  • declare @oper_email nvarchar(100)

    set @oper_email = (select email_address from msdb.dbo.sysoperators)

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLMail Profile',

    @recipients = @oper_email, @copy_recipients = '',

    @importance = 'High', @subject = 'Email Subject',

    @body = 'Email Body....hi this is test email', @body_format = 'HTML' ;

    -- if you have multiple operators, this WILL NOT WORK...

  • Oh thats great thanks Geoff.

    I know the name of the operator so I can filter on name ='bla'.

    BTW I have my operator defined with multiple email addresses 'someone@leansoftware.net;someone_else@leansoftware.net'

    I suppose I should create an NT Group and specify that as the email address, mind you the above list approach seems to work ok for me in sql 2008.

    Thanks again!

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