SQL Execution error - Creating report

  • Hi,

    I am a newbie and just now configured Reporting services in my laptop. However, i was trying to create a simple report with one table with 2 values using the "SQL Server Business Intellugence Development Studio" and in the step "Query Builder" i enetered this simple query

    - Select * from Customer

    This gave me the error:

    SQL Execution Error

    Executed SQL statement: Select * from cutomer

    Error cource: .net sqlclient data provider invalid object name

    Error Message: Invalid Object name 'Customer'

    I created the table Customer in the Reports DB and did a test connection and it worked.

    What do i need to do to fix this? Kindly help.

  • Try using a multi part identifier...such as [database_name].[schema].[table_name]

    Raunak J

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