Import PDF file into SSRS 2008

  • Hi,

    I have SSRS 2008 and on the same server a directory full of PDF file, I am able to manulaly upload a pdf file into SSRS using "Upload file" button but how can I programmaticlly do this?

    thank you for your help

    Kindest Regards,

    egpotus DBA

  • Can you give us a bit more information as what you are trying to achieve?

    You say you already have the pdf's on the server. Are you just trying to display them in a report? IF so you might want to think about somehow identifying them in a database with the appropriate filename/path Then you should be able to query your database and show the appropriate PDF in your report as needed based on the path/filename.

    OR are your trying to create an application where you are uploading the pdf's to your server and cataloging them in your database? IF so, SSRS probably isn't the best choice for this. I'm thinking an app would be a better choice for that type of solution.


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  • hi

    thank you very much for answering,

    I have a directory on the server full of pdf file, every day a new pdf file is copy on that directory (FYI pdf file are coming from Quest Capacity manager software)

    I also have a job that daily scan the directory and update a table with every new pdf file name

    so if i run this query

    SELECT TOP 1000 [filename]




    i have something like that:

    filename fileSize DateCreated

    Instance_EUA-CE-RGDTB-01_CE_L_01_01_08_2010_12_02_55.pdf 2381270 2010-01-08 12:03:00.000

    Instance_EUA-CE-RGDTB-01_CE_L_01_08_08_2010_12_03_10.pdf 2373813 2010-08-08 12:03:00.000

    Instance_EUA-DC-RGDTB-01_DC_G_01_01_08_2010_12_01_20.pdf 2481623 2010-01-08 12:01:00.000

    Instance_EUA-DC-RGDTB-01_DC_G_01_08_08_2010_12_01_25.pdf 2483084 2010-08-08 12:01:00.000

    now I do I create a report in SSRS that display my pdf?

    Kindest Regards,

    egpotus DBA

  • I suppose it all depends on what you want your report to do. I only have 2005 so I don't know for certain if in 2008 they did something to make this easier, but here's what I would do.

    I'm guessing this is a report that you'll use to provide the capacity manager reports a front end for viewing by staff/managers etc.

    Query the database you made, and bring the results back to a dataset.

    Format a tablix however you need it and a column with the name of the pdf file or however you want your users to access it. Then right click on the details row of that column and click properties. Click the navigation tab and then use the Jump to URL option. You'll need to specify some javascript to pop open the pdf in a new window so that the users can easily get back to the main pdf list.

    Check for and example of what I'm talking about. but basically it'll be something along these lines(read: not tested for syntax)...

    ="java_script:void('http://servername/virtualdirectory/" & Fields!PDFFilename.Value & "'))"

    Note in the above code window I put an underscore in the word java_script so that it would display properly on the site. The forum software doesn't like that word.

    Hopefully that helps you get to what you are looking for.


    Edited to fix to remove the #119 but it looks like forum software doesn't like that either.

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  • thank you for your help it's working

    Kindest Regards,

    egpotus DBA

  • Hi,

    I have same sort of requirement, I have around 5K pdfs in one of the physical directory where my SSRS server is installed. I want those to be shown to user in report viewer. One possible way is uploading all these reports as resource files in SSRS server. So those could be open through report viewer.

    I am very new for reporting services so do not have much idea of reports. Can i simply keep these PDF files in physical directory and create one report with table mentioning all the links. When user will click on the link, some other report will open with drill down links e.g. On first report will have links with Country names, once clicked on country name link another report will generate with states link. further drill down with states will give all reports related to that state. When clicked on the PDF link a PDF will open.

    Plain vanilla approach in ASP.NET . can it be possible through reports. How to create the link and drill down report any idea?

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