
  • Hi,

    I have table with XML column.

    Providing one of items in some node have a given value, I need to change several items within the same node.


    I look for id=2, if found I need to leave id as it is BUT to change value of NAME to "C"














    Thanks in advance

  • But what is the basis for your update?You want to update name to "C" wherever id=2 exists?

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

  • yes

    if parameter @id = 2 then the result should be














  • Hello

    The below query reads XML into row data then updates and converts back to XML

    declare @xml XML = '














    declare @id int = 2

    declare @name varchar(10) = 'C'

    ;with cte as (


    [Test].value('id[1]/.','varchar(10)') AS id,

    [Test].value('name[1]/.','varchar(10)') AS name

    FROM @xml.nodes('/root/testRoot/test') Tests([Test])


    select *

    from (



    name = case when id = @id then @name else name end

    from cte

    ) test for xml auto, root('testRoot'), elements

  • Thanks, I've found something very eleganst.

    Thought to share it:

    create table #t (x xml)

    set @x = '<root>













    DECLARE @id int, @name varchar(50)

    SET @id = 2

    set @city = 'C'

    update #t1 set x.modify('replace value of (/root/testRoot[id=sql:variable("@id")]/name/text())[1] with sql:variable("@city")')

    Works like magic 🙂

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