Add A Row to Count the Occurrence of Duplicates

  • Okay, how about adding a column to this data to count the first, second, third, etc occurrence of duplicate PA_EnterpriseID's in column 1 - Placing the count in a new column:

    PA_EnterpriseID PP_Name PP_ID, *Occurrence*

    9 1st Quarter 2010 Remove from PIP Agency Pruning 132, 1

    9 3rd Quarter 2009 PIP Agency Pruning 112, 2

    9 2nd Quarter 2009 PIP Agency Pruning 104, 3

    9 1st Quarter 2009 PIP Agency Pruning 102, 4

    9 3rd Quarter 2008 PIP Agency Pruning 98, 5

    10 Bonus Commission Plan (BCP) 2008 83, 1

    10 College World Series Sales Contest 2008 69, 2

    10 Bainwest 63, 3

    10 Bonus Commission Plan (BCP) 2007 61, 4

    10 NASCAR 2007 55, 5

    10 Seminars - 2007 51, 6

    Please - Someone help me! 🙁

  • Check out this article on SQL Server Ranking Functions[/url]. It looks like the ROW_NUMBER() function will do what you're after.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • photonicman (1/5/2011)

    Okay, how about adding a column to this data to count the first, second, third, etc occurrence of duplicate PA_EnterpriseID's in column 1 - Placing the count in a new column:

    PA_EnterpriseID PP_Name PP_ID, *Occurrence*

    9 1st Quarter 2010 Remove from PIP Agency Pruning 132, 1

    9 3rd Quarter 2009 PIP Agency Pruning 112, 2

    9 2nd Quarter 2009 PIP Agency Pruning 104, 3

    9 1st Quarter 2009 PIP Agency Pruning 102, 4

    9 3rd Quarter 2008 PIP Agency Pruning 98, 5

    10 Bonus Commission Plan (BCP) 2008 83, 1

    10 College World Series Sales Contest 2008 69, 2

    10 Bainwest 63, 3

    10 Bonus Commission Plan (BCP) 2007 61, 4

    10 NASCAR 2007 55, 5

    10 Seminars - 2007 51, 6

    Please - Someone help me! 🙁

    Try it out

    select *,row_number() over (partition by PA_EnterpriseID order by PA_EnterpriseID) from tablename

    SQL Server DBA | MCSE SQL Server 2012/2014

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