Stopping a subscription

  • I've currently got a report that's sent out daily showing a total headcount for each office. The data also shows total number of calls taken for each office.

    There are times when there is no data available either due to the fact that the import into the database has not finished, or the office is closed for that particular day.

    Is there a way to stop the subscription from going out due to the lack of data?


  • I think you should look into a DataDriven subscription.

    Define the query that returns the email-adresses to send the report to in such way that no rows are returned when there is no data for the report, and all subscribers are returned when there is data.

    See or for more details on DataDriven subscriptions

    Peter Rijs
    BI Consultant, The Netherlands

  • Frequently when there is no report delivered, people assume that there was a problem with the report rather than there was nothing to report. I would suggest an alternative of using the NoRowsMessage property of a table to indicate there was nothing to report, but send the report anyway.

  • You read my mind. That's actually what we ended up doing.

  • We have a similar report however we only want the report to go out only if the call volume is greater than 1000. Will the data driven subscription work in this scenario?

  • Sure, you should be able to build a data driven subscription that only returns email addresses when the report dataset meets certain criteria as you suggest.

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