How to solve this 2 query

  • i am new to sql,i just know basic.

    can anybody help me to solve this 2 query

    1) A table named "merchants" contains merchant information and has the following fields:

    name data type description

    merchid integer merchant id number

    merchname text name of merchant

    category text category of merchant

    A table named "bank_trans" contains purchase transaction data and has the following fields:

    name data type description

    transid integer unique id of transaction

    merchid integer merchant id number

    transdate date date of transaction 'YYYY-MM-DD'

    cardnum text account number of transactor

    amount numeric(9,2) dollar amount of transaction

    a) Write a SQL query that will display the number of transactions and total dollars spent at XYZ, Inc. for each month during 2009.

    2) At the end of each month, a new table is created for each bank that contains monthly metrics consolidated at the account level.

    The table naming convention is bankX_YYYYMM where X represents the numeric designation of the bank and YYYYMM indicates the 4 digit year and 2 digit month.

    The tables contain the following fields:

    name data type description

    account text account number

    registered boolean indicates whether the account is registered

    num_trans integer number of transactions made during the time period

    spend numeric(9,2) total spend during the time period

    a) Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend for "Bank1" during the 4th quarter of 2009.

    b) Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend at "Bank1" and "Bank2", broken out by registered vs. non-registered accounts, during January 2010

    3) We have the same table as defined in question 2.

    a) How can we check that the consolidated tables were generated correctly?

    b) How can we find if there are any duplicates on the account number?

    thanks in advance

  • Sounds like homework.

    Since most of us already have their degree we don't need to answer those questions anymore. 😉

    But we'd be glad to help you understand how it works if you would at least give it a try.

    Show us what you've done and where you get stuck and we'll try to help.

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  • I'll give you a few hints if you'll answer my final question.

    daveriya (2/25/2011)

    a) Write a SQL query that will display the number of transactions and total dollars spent at XYZ, Inc. for each month during 2009.

    You want to look into the GROUP BY clause and WHERE clause.

    a) Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend for "Bank1" during the 4th quarter of 2009.

    You're looking for the UNION ALL operator.

    b) Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend at "Bank1" and "Bank2", broken out by registered vs. non-registered accounts, during January 2010

    This comes under subqueries, and the JOIN mechanic.

    a) How can we check that the consolidated tables were generated correctly?

    There's a number of ways and I can't see that being in the same list of problems as the beginning of this list.

    b) How can we find if there are any duplicates on the account number?

    thanks in advance

    Again, you're looking at the GROUP BY clause.

    My question, and yes it's a serious one, not just a rant:

    2) At the end of each month, a new table is created for each bank that contains monthly metrics consolidated at the account level.

    The table naming convention is bankX_YYYYMM where X represents the numeric designation of the bank and YYYYMM indicates the 4 digit year and 2 digit month.

    Are they STILL teaching this horrible mechanic to people?! Is this seriously what the book is teaching? If so, please give me the ISBN, I'd like to write a few scorching reviews. That technique should only be taught in advanced courses under the header of "Break only in emergency".

    I've been shown the light, and this isn't as horrendous as I believed it to be. I still don't think it should be in a first or second year course without explicit conversation and methodology instructions.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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  • i know , i need to solve this on my own,

    i solve first one,but in the second one

    Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend for "Bank1" during the 4th quarter of 2009.

    can i write like this

    select count(num_trans),sum(spend) from bank1_200910


    select count(num_trans),sum(spend) from bank1_200911

    union all

    select count(num_trans),sum(spend) from bank1_200912

    atleast give me hints

  • daveriya (2/25/2011)

    i know , i need to solve this on my own,

    i solve first one,but in the second one

    Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend for "Bank1" during the 4th quarter of 2009.

    can i write like this

    select count(num_trans),sum(spend) from bank1_200910


    select count(num_trans),sum(spend) from bank1_200911

    union all

    select count(num_trans),sum(spend) from bank1_200912

    atleast give me hints

    That looks like it would work. Have you tried it out?

    Edit: Actually, those rollup tables have the totals already. What you need to do is to sum them up across all three months. Basically, make the above a subquery, and sum up the 3 rows you'll be getting from the tables.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • i dont understand you this is not working.

    write some query and show me.

    this givesme result in 3 cam i make it subquery

  • This link should give you some good examples of using subqueries.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • i tried sunquery,i cant join them coz i think there is no pk->fk releation between them.

    nothing is worked

  • daveriya (2/25/2011)

    i tried sunquery,i cant join them coz i think there is no pk->fk releation between them.

    nothing is worked

    SELECT SUM(num_trans), SUM(spend)

    FROM (

    select num_trans,spend from bank1_200910

    union all

    select num_trans,spend from bank1_200911

    union all

    select num_trans,spend from bank1_200912) AS SubQuery

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • hi,

    its working ,thanks a lot.

    i m trying to solve another one based on that,but thanks a lot

  • 2(b) Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend at "Bank1" and "Bank2", broken out by registered vs. non-registered accounts, during January 2010

    SELECT SUM(num_trans) as 'No of Transactions', SUM(spend) as 'Total Spend'

    FROM (

    select num_trans,spend from bank1_201001 where registered = 0

    union all

    select num_trans,spend from bank2_201001 where registered = 0



    union all

    SELECT SUM(num_trans) as 'No of Transactions', SUM(spend) as 'Total Spend'

    FROM (

    select num_trans,spend from bank1_201001 where registered = 1

    union all

    select num_trans,spend from bank2_201001 where registered = 1



    Is this true?

  • daveriya (2/25/2011)

    2(b) Write a SQL query that will display the total number of transactions and total spend at "Bank1" and "Bank2", broken out by registered vs. non-registered accounts, during January 2010

    Is this true?


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • But i am getting result,whats wrong in this?tell me

  • daveriya (2/25/2011)

    But i am getting result,whats wrong in this?tell me

    You may get correct results, but it would be better to use GROUP BY.

  • group by o f what?registered

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