Required help regarding Performance Tuning of Query retrieving data from 30 Million records

  • I have written a query which is taking 38 Seconds to execute on a table which has more than 30 Million records. This is for a search page where all the parameters are optional except 1 parameter ie., @CIN.

    If I pass the below parameters, the query takes approx. 38 secs to execute.

    declare @cin as varchar(20)

    declare @CLI as varchar(20)

    declare @date as datetime

    declare @Todate as datetime

    declare @service varchar(100)

    select @cin = '1622737814'

    select @date = getdate()-30

    select @Todate = getdate() -25

    select @service = 'STANDARD'



    Product_Entered as [Product Entered],



    CLI_Match as [CLI Match],


    Convert(varchar(5),[Time],114) as [CallTime]






    ISNULL(Service,'') = ISNULL(@Service,ISNULL(Service,''))

    Later I have created a dynamic query, which takes less than 1 sec to retrieve the data. Below is the Dynamic Query.

    declare @cin as varchar(20)

    declare @date as datetime

    declare @Todate as datetime

    declare @service varchar(100)

    select @cin = '1622737814'

    select @date = getdate()-30

    select @Todate = getdate() -25

    select @service = 'STANDARD'

    declare @strSql as varchar(max)

    SELECT @strsql = 'SELECT


    Product_Entered as [Product Entered],



    CLI_Match as [CLI Match],


    Convert(varchar(5),[Time],114) as [CallTime]


    WHERE '

    if ISNULL(@CIN,'') <> ''


    SELECT @strsql = @strsql + 'CIN = ''' + @cin + ''' AND '


    if isnull(@date,'') <> ''


    SELECT @strsql = @strsql + 'DATE >= ''' + convert(varchar(30),@Date ,109) + ''' AND '


    if isnull(@ToDate,'') <> ''


    SELECT @strsql = @strsql + 'DATE <= ''' + convert(varchar(30),@ToDate ,109) + ''' AND '


    if isnull(@service,'') <> ''


    SELECT @strsql = @strsql + 'Service = ''' + @Service + ''' AND '


    select @strsql=left(@strsql,len(@strsql)-4)

    exec (@strsql)

    Is there any other way to retrieve the data without using the dynamic query approach. Please suggest.

    Note: All the parameters are optional except @CIN.

    Thank you,


  • In the first query, the use of ISNULL on the columns you're applying the filters to is forcing a table/Clustered index scan as the engine cannot use any covering indexed you may have due to the function applied to the column(s)

    I'm a DBA.
    I'm not paid to solve problems. I'm paid to prevent them.

  • Please see this link ...

    EDIT :

    Basically , no , but you can improve your situation by using sp_executesql

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Also, while it might appear to help performance, that NOLOCK hint is potentially problematic.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • You should also consider using sp_executesql to prevent SQL injections.

  • Dynamic sql is almost always the most performant way to deal with this type of scenario. Beware SQL Injection as someone else stated and also watch out for procedure cache bloat. SQL 2008+ helps with this with the optimize for ad hoc workloads option. You can do dbcc freeproccache, but that is a all-server action (NOTE that I have quite a few clients that have scheduled jobs to run this throughout the day in production systems).

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • TheSQLGuru (2/9/2011)

    Dynamic sql is almost always the most performant way to deal with this type of scenario. Beware SQL Injection as someone else stated and also watch out for procedure cache bloat. SQL 2008+ helps with this with the optimize for ad hoc workloads option. You can do dbcc freeproccache, but that is a all-server action (NOTE that I have quite a few clients that have scheduled jobs to run this throughout the day in production systems).

    On 2005 you can create plan guides to selectively clear the cache

    Or on 2008 DBCC FREEPROCACHE accepts a planhandle, to clear plans selectively.

    So it doesnt have to be a server-wide action

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Dave Ballantyne (2/9/2011)

    TheSQLGuru (2/9/2011)

    Dynamic sql is almost always the most performant way to deal with this type of scenario. Beware SQL Injection as someone else stated and also watch out for procedure cache bloat. SQL 2008+ helps with this with the optimize for ad hoc workloads option. You can do dbcc freeproccache, but that is a all-server action (NOTE that I have quite a few clients that have scheduled jobs to run this throughout the day in production systems).

    On 2005 you can create plan guides to selectively clear the cache

    Or on 2008 DBCC FREEPROCACHE accepts a planhandle, to clear plans selectively.

    So it doesnt have to be a server-wide action

    My gut tells me that the server effort to clear gobs (tens/hundreds of thousands or even millions) of ad hoc plans from cache using either method you mention (i.e. single plan at a time) will be MUCH worse on the server than simply clearing all plans. I have several pretty high-volume production systems that do this on a regular schedule to get buffer pool pages back. Of course YMMV!!

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • SELECT [Service],

    Product_Entered AS [Product Entered],



    CLI_Match AS [CLI Match],


    CONVERT(CHAR(5), [Time], 114) AS CallTime

    FROM dbo.CliExtract

    WHERE (CIN = @cin OR @cin IS NULL)

    AND ([Service] = @Service OR @Service IS NULL)

    AND [Date] >= COALESCE(@Date, '17530101')

    AND [Date] <= COALESCE(@ToDate, '99991231')

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • TheSQLGuru (2/9/2011)

    My gut tells me that the server effort to clear gobs (tens/hundreds of thousands or even millions) of ad hoc plans from cache using either method you mention (i.e. single plan at a time) will be MUCH worse on the server than simply clearing all plans. I have several pretty high-volume production systems that do this on a regular schedule to get buffer pool pages back. Of course YMMV!!

    Sure , not suggesting that its ideal to every scenario 🙂

    In our system , it is handy to cherry pick the statements in cache that will NEVER be reused.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

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