Not able to run SSIS package in 64 bit server

  • I created some SSIS packages. I am able to run these packages in BIDS without any issue. When the DBA tries to run the packages in the 64bit server, he is getting an error:

    The connection type "MSORA" specified for connection manager "Att_CPErrBatch" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling in the connection type name.

    I have set Project Property Run64BitRuntime to True.

    Any help would be apprieciated.


  • The driver for ORacle may not be 64 bit so you may need to run the job on the 64-bit server using 32 bit DTEXEC.exe found in the Program File (x86) path.

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Small sidenote:

    the property Run64BitRuntime is only for running packages in BIDS. This has no effect on packages deployed to another machine.

    So either download a 64-bit Oracle driver (here) or follow Jack's advice and run the package in 32-bit.

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  • Thanks both of you for your replies. I will try running the packages with dtexec (32 bit version).

  • The MSORA is Microsoft's Oracle driver. There is not a 64bit version of the driver.

    I would highly recommend using the Oracle's OLEDB driver when developing the package in BIDS so that you can utilize the Oracle driver on the server.

    If you are loading data into Oracle, the OLEDB destination object will be very slow since there isn't a fast load option. Anything over 30K rows will be painfully slow, If you are using 2008 R2 you can utilize the new Oracle Connectors which has a fast load option. If you are using 2005 then you will need to look into using SQLLDR, an Oracle utility similar to BCP.

  • Hi there!

    I have exactly the same problem as you. How did you manage to solve it?

    Best wishes

    Mark Thornton

  • The package was using Attunity Driver. The DBA had to install both 32 bit and 64 bit Attunity Drivers at his end. After that we were able to run the package.

  • in my case the attunity was 20 times faster than MS oracle driver 😎

  • Jan Eberle (5/2/2011)

    in my case the attunity was 20 times faster than MS oracle driver 😎

    That is good to know. I'll recommend this driver more often 🙂

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  • < The package was using Attunity Driver. The DBA had to install both 32 bit and 64 bit Attunity Drivers at his end. After that we were able to run the package.>

    Where did he install the 64-bit driver? On the Oracle machine, or the SQL Server machine?

    I tried installing the 64-bit driver on the SQL Server machine, but merely progressed to getting a different error.

  • MarkThornton (5/3/2011)

    < The package was using Attunity Driver. The DBA had to install both 32 bit and 64 bit Attunity Drivers at his end. After that we were able to run the package.>

    Where did he install the 64-bit driver? On the Oracle machine, or the SQL Server machine?

    I tried installing the 64-bit driver on the SQL Server machine, but merely progressed to getting a different error.

    It should be installed on the machine that runs the SSIS package.

    What is the error that you get?

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  • MarkThornton (5/3/2011)

    < The package was using Attunity Driver. The DBA had to install both 32 bit and 64 bit Attunity Drivers at his end. After that we were able to run the package.>

    Where did he install the 64-bit driver? On the Oracle machine, or the SQL Server machine?

    I tried installing the 64-bit driver on the SQL Server machine, but merely progressed to getting a different error.

    I've installed Oracle Driver 10.2 32Bit and 64Bit and the Attunity connector - all on the sql srv machine.

    here's a note out of the attunity help docs:

    "On 64-bit platforms, both 64 and 32-bit Oracle clients should be installed if you are using the Microsoft Business Intelligence Development Studio.

    On 64-bit platforms, you need to install the Attunity Oracle 64-bit connector only. The 64-bit connector installs both the X86 (32-bit) and X64 (64-bit) DLLs."

  • Hi Koen!

    Many thanks for taking an interest in my problem. Here is a typical error message, AFTER I installed the 64-bit version of the Attunity Connector:

    Error: 2011-05-01 07:43:05.41 Code: 0xC0048020 Source: DFT Transfer PS_UC_CLG_MARST_P DFT Transfer PS_UC_CLG_MARST_P (SSIS.Pipeline) Description: The version of component "ORA_SRC Select PS_UC_CLG_MARST_P" (301) is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow. End Error

    I get lots of these errors, one for each table that I am trying to import. (PS_UC_CLG_MARST_P is the name of the table.)

    Before I installed the 64-bit Attunity connector, I got this error message:

    Error: 2011-05-01 07:16:44.34 Code: 0xC0014005 Source: Description: The connection type "MSORA" specified for connection manager ....<name>..... is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling in the connection type name. End Error.

    It's clearly a 32-bit/64-bit issue of some sort, but I can't yet say more than that.

  • Mark, is the SSIS service itself installed and running?

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