More, More, More

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item More, More, More

  • If it ain't broke don't fix it!!

    Things are great to me as they are, as a trainee with SQL Server/T-SQL i find this place and the people that visit and assist, invaluable.

    To me the balance couldn't be better, if only all sites could be so well looked after and so well contributed to.

    Thanks Steve to you, the team and all felllow contributers for making this site what it is.

  • I actually only use the newsletters headers to see if anything interesting is coming along. And when that's the case read the generally good articles. I find this site very useful to find solutions that I just hadn't thought about myself.

    Therefore 'keep up the good work' as it is would be my reaction. No need for time consuming 'new' media formats.....

  • Theres a lot of info in a variety of formats on the internet.

    The problem is to find quality information and access it easily.

    Id say the best focus is to provide high quality content that's easy to access and dont mix it up with lower quality information in not easy to access formats.

    The articles and the newsletter summary gives a great overview.

    I think that a cleaner tag list would improve browsing the articles on the site.

  • I must say I enjoy your editorials. I agree that one can always do more, but whatever it is has got to be sustainable.

    Despite the indications to the contrary on other sites, I see a lot of value in introducing some wiki-based content on SSC, but for a very restricted task, such as refining checklists and best practices. On other wiki-based projects I've worked on, I've gained the impression that it is just a handy tool for a group of like-minded people to work together on a particular task, remotely and asynchronously. I can think of several neatly-scoped activities that would be interesting, and fall into that category.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

  • To be honest, if you added lots more features to the site I probably wouldn't use them. I'm on here most days as it is.


  • I've been around for 6+ years. I make a point of reading the newsletter every day, looking at the articles if they sound interesting and always reading the editorials. The site is my homepage at work and my first port of call whenever I have an issue as pretty much every time I'm stuck someone else has had the problem first and it's already been solved by someone.

    Personally, I don't think I'd have the time to use any podcasts etc, but there's no harm in adding other strings to your bow. However, please don't compromise what is already a great resource.

  • Whatever you do, don't get rid of the QOD! And at the very least please ensure that a good proportion of those questions are ambiguous or ill thought through, as the debate that these inspire is usually more thought provoking than the original questions themselves.:-)

  • I wish I can use this site more often because something happened and all of a sudden I am continuously swamped with work. I have tried to allocate at least one hour a day to the e-mails I receive from you but hey, when I look it is Friday afternoon 4 o'clock. Steve, you have something goood here and I'd say keep it up. People do not like change very much and especially us IT people should realise that one can never stand still. So, if you have to make changes the go ahead and do it but just don't take away this website's user friendliness. To go for TV and/or radio would boost SSC tremendously and just so much more people will get to know about it but unfortunately for countries outside the USA not much.:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P

    :-PManie Verster
    South Africa

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. - Holy Bible
    I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. - Everett Mckinley Dirkson (Well, I am trying. - Manie Verster)

  • Just thought I'd add my two pence's worth...

    I have to agree with what has been said already, the site is a great resource and I don't think I'd use any other features. As well, I guess a lot of people are using the site like I do from a works pc or laptop in an open enviroment, and not everyone takes kindly to us watching video, listening to webcasts, etc.

    One thing I would suggest is maybe a slight graphic revamp, although this is just from a personal point of view 😉


  • SSC is great. I interact with it almost exclusively via the newsletter. I don't have time to watch/listen to vid/podcasts, and a live show would completely pass me by.

    So, really, just a vote of confidence from me 🙂

  • I would suggest some work on the search and on the organisation of the articles and scripts. To be honest, the site's search seems almost useless, I get better results from a straight google search.

    The tags and categories for the articles and scripts are a mess. I find it near-impossible to locate an article using the categories. There are multiple similar categories and the filing seems somewhat random.

    Not going to be an easy job sorting them out though 🙁

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • The site is first and foremost a technical resource for people working with a specific product - SQL Server. IMHO, it fulfills that purpose excellently.

    However, IT these days is in some ways far less compartmentalised than it used to be, and anyone working in IT should not be thinking in purely technical terms but rather relate what they're doing to the business's needs in general. SSC does have articles from time to time which discuss business issues, but I'd like to see a few more. In short, I'd like to see members encouraged towards being well rounded business professionals within the IT arena rather than just good techies.

    Having said that, I'd only advocate this change in so far as it doesn't detract from what SSC already does well.

    Semper in excretia, sumus solum profundum variat

  • <semirant>

    How about going medieval and draconian !

    What really bugs me is when i ask for more info, ie a query plan DDL etc.

    Why not have a 'trusted' user lock the thread to all but the original poster and other 'trusted' users until requested info has been provided.


    Give us the damn plan , and we can help.


    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • I think this site is pretty darn marvelous the way it is for what I use it for, which is almost all things SQL Server. I do not think I would have time to use other features. That said I would defer to those opinons expressed by Gail and Phil as I consider them stalwarts of this site. I do not have the luxury of listening to any "live" content.

    As a person from an Oracle background it is this site that has given me an appreciation for the SQL Server community and SQL Server. I must say that the Oracle Community, in my opinion, could learn a lot from you. You are doing a great job. I really appreciate it.

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

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