About Mapping

  • Hi

    I m designing a package.source and destination are OLEDB.I need to map name column from source to shortname and legalname columns in destination.

    My question here is,

    actually my destination columns shortname and legal name has same information, for example one case shortname is Xtra Airways legalname Xtra Airways. for few shortname is The Gwinnett County Board,legalname isThe Gwinnett County Board of Education.but i have only one column called name in my source and i need to map name to both the columns in destination.where ever my source has shortname formate it should go to shortname otherwise it should go to leagalname.

    plz suggest me the steps to do this.



  • Not sure I'm following completely.

    You have a single name column in your source table, and you have a 'shortname' column as well as a 'legalname' column in your destination?

    Are you wanting to determine whether the name goes into 'shortname' or 'legalname' based on some criteria?

    I think you can accomplish what you're after with a Derived Column transform, but I'll need a little more clarification on your intent first.

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