How to execute sp_executesql on the linked server via dynamic sql

  • Hi,

    Could you please help me take a look at the sql below? I want to use dynamic to execute the sql on a linked server, but I got the following error message, don't know why. I also checked the @tblSql2, seems that all the info is right, could you please help me take a look at it? Thanks a lot:)



    Error message:

    The name 'lktest.[master].dbo.sp_executesql N'SELECT @ResultCountOut=Count(*) FROM (select * from ADW1.dbo.DimAccount ) AS TempResultTable', N'@ResultCountOut INT OUT',@ResultCountOut=@ResultCount OUT' is not a valid identifier.

    DECLARE @tblSql2 NVARCHAR(300)

    DECLARE @Query NVARCHAR(300)

    DECLARE @LinkedServerName NVARCHAR(300)

    SET @Query = 'Select * from ADW1.dbo.DimAccount'

    SET @LinkedServerName = 'lktest'

    SET @tblSql2 = N'SELECT @ResultCountOut=Count(*) FROM (' + @Query + ') AS TempResultTable'

    SET @tblSql2 = @LinkedServerName + '.[master].dbo.sp_executesql N'''+REPLACE(@tblSql2,'''','''''') +

    +''', N''@ResultCountOut INT OUT'',@ResultCountOut=@ResultCount OUT'

    Select @tblSql2

    EXEC @tblSql2

  • I have found one way to workarround it, past the sample here, in case someone hit same problem. Really appreciated if someone can share another way to fingure out it. Thanks a lot.



    DECLARE @dynamicsql NVARCHAR(300)

    DECLARE @Query NVARCHAR(300)

    DECLARE @LinkedServerName NVARCHAR(300)

    DECLARE @ResultCount INT

    SET @Query = 'Select * from ADW1.dbo.DimAccount'

    SET @LinkedServerName = 'lktest'

    SET @dynamicsql = N'SELECT Count(*) as rownum FROM (' + @Query + ') AS TempResultTabl'

    SET @dynamicsql ='SELECT @ResultCountOut=rownum FROM OPENQUERY('+ @LinkedServerName+ ','''+ REPLACE(@dynamicsql,'''','''''') +''')'

    EXEC sp_executesql


    N'@ResultCountOut INT OUT',

    @ResultCountOut=@ResultCount OUT

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