Creating nested xml tree

  • I'm trying to create a xml tree by writing a sql query. Here is what I have:

    DECLARE @CountOfPortfolioObjects int, @CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects int

    SELECT @CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects = COUNT(DISTINCT ed.entity_id)

    , @CountOfPortfolioObjects = COUNT(entity_detail_id)

    FROM entity_detail ed;

    WITH Portfolios(CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects, CountOfPortfolioObjects, EntityID)



    SELECT @CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects



    FROM entity


    SELECT Portfolios.CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects







    FROM Portfolios

    INNER JOIN (SELECT CAST(upd_date AS date) AS EffectiveDate

    ,SUBSTRING(entity_id, 2, 3) AS PortfolioCode

    ,legal_name AS PortfolioGroup

    ,'' AS IntlDomesticInd


    FROM Entity) Portfolio

    ON Portfolios.Entity_ID = Portfolio.entity_id

    INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(ED.entity_detail_id) AS CountPortfolioDetails



    FROM Entity E

    INNER JOIN entity_detail ED

    ON E.entity_id = ED.entity_detail_id

    GROUP BY E.entity_id

    ,E.legal_name) PortfolioGroup

    ON Portfolios.entity_id = PortfolioGroup.entity_id


    Please note that I haven't written the sql query for PortfolioLink yet.

    The basic structure of the xml is:

    <Portfolios attributes>

    <Portfolio attributes />

    <PortfolioGroup attributes>

    < PortfolioLink attributes />



    However, with the sql query that I've written the xml tree structure is becoming:

    <Portfolios attributes>

    <Portfolio attributes>

    <PortfolioGroup attributes>




    I've also tried this sql query

    SELECT @CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects AS CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects

    ,@CountOfPortfolioObjects AS CountOfPortfolioObjects

    ,(SELECT CAST(upd_date AS date) EffectiveDate

    ,RTRIM(entity_id) AS PortfolioCode

    ,RTRIM(legal_name) AS PortfolioGroup

    ,'' AS IntlDomInd

    FROM Entity AS PortfolioLink

    FOR XML AUTO, TYPE, ROOT('Portfolios'))

    , PortfolioGroup.CountPortfolioDetails

    FROM Portfolios Portfolios

    INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(ED.entity_detail_id) AS CountPortfolioDetails



    FROM Entity E

    INNER JOIN entity_detail ED

    ON E.entity_id = ED.entity_detail_id

    GROUP BY E.entity_id

    ,E.legal_name) PortfolioGroup

    ON PortfolioGroup.entity_id = PortfolioGroup.entity_id


    But I get this error:

    An XML operation resulted an XML data type exceeding 2GB in size. Operation aborted.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • The error message tells you exaclty what the problem is: you're trying to create an XML structure that exceeds 2GB.

    Are you sure you want to create such a large XML file?

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  • Thanks for the reply.

    The data isn't that large so not sure the reason for the error. The first query doesn't give me that error.

  • Heh... ya just gotta love XML "Tag bloat". 😉

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  • After a second look at your query the reason might be the accidential cross join due to

    ON PortfolioGroup.entity_id = PortfolioGroup.entity_id

    that might better be

    ON Portfolios.entity_id = PortfolioGroup.entity_id

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  • Good catch 🙂

    I've advanced further from my last post, but it's a pain to produce an xml nested tree out of sql. What's considered the best practice to produce an xml tree from tables? An ETL tool?

  • I'm not sure about other tools, but I've found that for creating complex XML structures using T-SQL, you're better off using FOR XML EXPLICIT instead of any of the other FOR XML options. FOR XML EXPLICIT does take a lot of upfront work, but it's worth it in terms of being able to specify your document layout precisely and troubleshoot any problems.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • If you could provide some ready to use test data (as described in the first link in my signature) I could give it a try. (I'd like to test my solution before posting...)

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  • drew.allen (3/11/2011)

    I'm not sure about other tools, but I've found that for creating complex XML structures using T-SQL, you're better off using FOR XML EXPLICIT instead of any of the other FOR XML options. FOR XML EXPLICIT does take a lot of upfront work, but it's worth it in terms of being able to specify your document layout precisely and troubleshoot any problems.


    I'm thinking of an alternative to FOR XML EXPLICIT but I'd like to see if it applies to the given scenario...

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  • Unfortunately, I can't post any data. With the help of a co-worker I got the proper XML tree structure.

    SELECT Portfolios.CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects



    ,(SELECT EffectiveDate

    ,RTRIM(PortfolioCode) PortfolioCode



    FROM @Portfolio Portfolio


    --Portfolio Group

    ,(select PortfolioGroup.CountPortfolioDetails


    ,PortfolioGroup.GroupCode AS GroupName

    --Portfolio Link

    ,(SELECT RTRIM(entity_id) as GroupCode

    ,RTRIM(entity_detail_id) PortfolioCode

    ,'' AS IntlDomInd

    FROM Entity_detail AS PortfolioLink

    Where PortfolioLink.entity_id = PortfolioGroup.GroupCode


    FROM Portfolios

    INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(entity_detail_id) AS CountPortfolioDetails

    ,RTRIM(entity_id) AS GroupCode

    FROM entity_detail

    GROUP BY entity_id) PortfolioGroup

    ON PortfolioGroup.GroupCode = Portfolios.EntityID


    FROM Portfolios AS Portfolios


    I need to add a header to the outputted xml query: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>. So I'm following the tutorial from I don't understand why the below has to be done even though it works.

    INSERT INTO @myXML(test, myxml)

    SELECT 1, (

    SELECT Portfolios.CountOfPortfolioGroupObjects



    ,(SELECT EffectiveDate

    ,RTRIM(PortfolioCode) PortfolioCode



    FROM @Portfolio Portfolio


    --Portfolio Group

    ,(select PortfolioGroup.CountPortfolioDetails


    ,PortfolioGroup.GroupCode AS GroupName

    --Portfolio Link

    ,(SELECT RTRIM(entity_id) as GroupCode

    ,RTRIM(entity_detail_id) PortfolioCode

    ,'' AS IntlDomInd

    FROM Entity_detail AS PortfolioLink

    Where PortfolioLink.entity_id = PortfolioGroup.GroupCode


    FROM Portfolios

    INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(entity_detail_id) AS CountPortfolioDetails

    ,RTRIM(entity_id) AS GroupCode

    FROM entity_detail

    GROUP BY entity_id) PortfolioGroup

    ON PortfolioGroup.GroupCode = Portfolios.EntityID


    FROM Portfolios AS Portfolios


  • You don't have to post any actual data. Either make something up or use AdventureWorks tables that would describe your scenario. Once you have some sample data you should post your expected result based on the sample.

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  • IN my case i have to create this much xml data . My i am getting this error "XML operation resulted an XML data type exceeding 2GB in size. Operation aborted."

    Any workaround.


  • sauraviit-689328 (8/14/2011)

    IN my case i have to create this much xml data . My i am getting this error "XML operation resulted an XML data type exceeding 2GB in size. Operation aborted."

    Any workaround.


    The only option is to create the XML in batches and build the final xml as NVARCHAR(MAX). Basically you'll need to create the node level below the root level (assuming this is a multi node level) and add the root level at the beginning and the end of the final file. Of course, this assumes you'll create a file and aren't trying to send the data to any front end application.

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  • If you're really creating XML data files larger than 2GB (esepcially if you start getting into multiples of 2GB), then your long-term solution is - don't use T-SQL to do it.

    Use SSIS if need be, or C#, Java, or some other procedural language with a "stream writer" ability.

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  • How can i do that in ssis. Can you give me an example.

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