How to generate/send multiple reports?

  • I'm new to reporting services. Is it possible to make one report to send reports for all users one by one? I mean can I use reporting services to generate more than one report and send them separatly?

    Here is the real story;

    I have a customer with ~2000 workers, some of them are managers. They want me to send reports for all the users separately (each user will have his own report) and managers should have reports for their workers, monthly.

    Number users and/or managers may change, so I cannot make certain number of reports.

    Thank you.

  • You may need 2 reports, it is not clear. One maybe for the managers, and another for the users. Assuming the report(s) have the necessary input parameters to make them flexible enough so that they can show data for each user you can build a data driven subscription to email a user/manager specific report out to each user/manager.

  • My question is how do I use report service to send N number of reports, while N can be changed. And in my case it is ~2000.

    So is it possible to use report service to send 2000 report/email each month automatically (noone will change the parameter and send the report for all the users)

    For the managers, it will be like this:

    Get list of managers,

    Loop through managers (

    Get workers of the manager

    Prepare report & send email


    This is also same problem. Managers & workers can be changed every month so I cannot make a constant report.

    More clearly "can I loop on parameters values" to send multiple reports?

    Is it more clear now? Sorry for the bad english.


  • Hi,

    Probably you need to create Data-driven Subscription for this. If the data is going to be changed based on user, i mean manager or workers under him then you need the parameters accordingly in the report which can be configured to pick from the database while creating the data driven subscription.



  • Data-driven subscriptions are only allowed in Enterprise, also I'm not sure they'll do what you want. It would probably be better to put together a custom script (or even SSIS) and an agent job to handle it.

  • Yes that is exactly what I want. Thank you very much.

    In this article it is explained well:

  • Hi,

    Yes you would do this through data driven subscriptions and you could use one report and one subscription to burst the reports the users.

    if you have the manager details in the database this should be straightforward.

    One thing I would say is to make sure you do a test run to yourself, you wouldn't want an incorrect report to be sent out to 2000 users 😉

  • Abs-225476 (6/29/2011)

    One thing I would say is to make sure you do a test run to yourself, you wouldn't want an incorrect report to be sent out to 2000 users 😉

    This just happened this morning! 😀 Shame on me 😛

  • I know the feeling, as long as the data only relates to the user then it won't be too bad. You should be be able to resend the emails with a message saying 'Please ignore the email sent out earlier, it was sent in error', but test it and send it to yourself first!

    You have probably got quite a few emails back saying whats going on??

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