Find SQ!L code being executed by EXEC SP_EXECUTE Stored Procedure

  • Hi All,

    Is there a way to identify the SQL code that is being executed by the Stored Procedure exec sp_executed

    I understand that the Stored Procedure is passed a Handle number to the SQL Execution plan...but I'm not sure how to use this to get the SQL code.

    Working on SQL Server 2008 R2.



  • Hi All,

    I believe SQL Profile will show it. Before the SP_EXECUTE, there is a SP_PREPARE statement that shows the SQL code.



  • Denesh Naidoo (5/25/2011)

    Hi All,

    I believe SQL Profile will show it. Before the SP_EXECUTE, there is a SP_PREPARE statement that shows the SQL code.



    In what column do you see the prepared text? I tried this option once before and got nowhere!

  • Hi,

    It's in the TextData column.

    It's actually the line before you the SP_EXECUTE

  • What's the event? Can you provide a quick screenshot?

  • Hi,

    I've attached a screen shot from Profiler.

    If you look at the line that is highlighted in the TextData reads

    declare @p1 int

    set @p1=589

    exec sp_prepare @p1

    If you look at the next line it reads

    exec sp_execute 589,'10166'

    You match a sp_execute with a sp_prepare with the first number after sp_execute which in this case is 589. The second number 10166 is a variable that is used in the SQL code.

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