Commit after N rows inserted

  • Trying to find a way to commit after N rows inserted to keep the logs from filling up. Here is the scenario:

    1. In two seperate databases on the same server, there are two identical tables (TrackingTable)

    2. AccessKey is the PK in both tables

    3. Records in DatabaseB need to be inserted into DatabaseA

    4. The "where not exists" gets rid of the duplicate records

    Insert into DatabaseA.dbo.TrackingTable

    Select * from DatabaseB.dbo.TrackingTable b

    where not exists

    (Select AccessKey from DatabaseA.dbo.TrackingTable a where c.AccessKey= a.AccessKey)

  • You can either use a While loop to insert the records or create an SSIS package and set the Maximum Insert Commit Size on the component. Just beware that as these tables get larger, the more selects can cause performance issues.

    For the While Loop you can use something like:

    declare @CommitSize int

    set @CommitSize = 10000

    while @CommitSize = 10000


    begin tran

    Insert into DatabaseA.dbo.TrackingTable

    Select top 10000 * from DatabaseB.dbo.TrackingTable b

    where not exists

    (Select AccessKey from DatabaseA.dbo.TrackingTable a

    where c.AccessKey= a.AccessKey)

    set @CommitSize = @@RowCount

    commit tran


    P.S. you probably already know, but you shouldn't use the * when selecting the fields.

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  • Thank you so much for your reponse! I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge. It works for exactly what I need.

    I'm thinking of future needs now...If I ever wanted it to move onto the next set of 10000 records rather than the top 10000, would I need to use a cursor and a for/while loop? If so, where would I put the insert statement?

  • I'm not really sure what you're asking. This while loop will continue looping through all records until the rowcount <> 10000. Presumably, the last insert will only add <10000 records, so then the while loop will end. For instance, if there were 95000 records to insert, the first 9 loops woul enter 10000 records and the last will insert the remaining 5000 then exit.

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  • Yes I didn't make any sense...I had a confused moment! What can I say? It's Friday 😉 Thanks again for all of your help

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