How to set property on SSRS2008 for the column value should be BOLD and HIGHLIGHED

  • Hi All,

    How to set the property on ssrs2008 on the below requirement.

    This column value should be BOLD and HIGHLIGHED

    thanks in Advance

  • Hi,

    What do you mean by Column "Value" be Bold and Highlighted ???

    Of course you can do whatever setting you want with the Column Header Fonts in case you are using table or tablix in your report? But Column Value being Bold and Highlighted....:hehe:

    In case you want to do the setting for Column Header Fonts, it can be done be selecting the Header textbox in report and Press F4 to get prop window.

    In the Font Section there would be a property for Fontweight. Change it to Bold.

    I don't know though If this is what your are looking for?

  • i am using Tablix but in properties window their is no option for Bold and Highilated. i need the textbox value should be bold and Highilited................

    is their any expression we need to write or built in Properties.

  • Right click on the textbox

    Select "Textbox Properties"

    Go to "Font"

    In "Style section", select checkbox for "Bold".

    Google(or bing) a little my dear friend to get screenshots.

  • Select the desired textboxes and click the "B" button in the toolbar for bold, and then click the Pencil Icon with little color squares beneath it (4 icons to the right of the B button) for background colors.

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