How to get - just one, specific - line from multiple Joins

  • Hi!

    I've really exausted all the options and i need help to solve this problem.

    I have a Query built around these 3 tables: bo, bo2 and bi

    Here is the relevant info:

    Table Name Fields Comments


    bostamp PK

    ndos numeric

    datafinal date


    bo2stamp PK (bo2.bo2stamp=bo.bostamp)

    u_datadoc date


    bistamp PK

    bostamp FK (identifies the row from bo to which is associated)

    obistamp FK (identifies the row from bi where it was copied from(yes, most of the data is the same))

    Since there are needed more than 255 columns for bo, bo2 was created and for each bo line there's also another in bo2, thus bo2.bo2stamp=bo.bostamp

    For each line of bo+bo2 (edit: and also for each ndos) there can be multiple lines in bi

    Here's the code i was able to put together:


    rubric='1. Number of delays in deliveries',

    'jan'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=1 And datediff(day,bo.datafinal,bo2.u_datadoc)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'feb'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=2 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'mar'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=3 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'apr'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=4 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'may'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=5 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'jun'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=6 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'jul'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=7 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'aug'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=8 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'sep'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=9 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'oct'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=10 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'nov'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=11 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'dec'=Sum(isnull(Case When Month(bo.dataobra)=12 And datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0)),

    'total'=Sum(isnull(Case When datediff(day,bi.datafinal,mybi.dataobra)>0 Then 1 Else 0 End,0))

    From bo(nolock)

    Left Join bi(nolock) On bi.bostamp=bo.bostamp

    Left Join bi mybi(nolock) On mybi.obistamp=bi.bistamp and bi.qtt<>0

    Left Join bo mybo(nolock) On mybo.bostamp=mybi.bostamp

    Left Join bo2 (nolock) On bo2.bo2stamp=mybo.bostamp

    Where bo.ndos=5 and bo.boano=2010 and bi.qtt<>0 and year(bi.datafinal)<>1900

    This works, but the Sum is wrong because there are several rows of bi for each row of bo...

    Want i want is to consider just one row for bi and mybi and also for mybo and bo2, since one row from bo.ndos=5 can be related with more than one row from bo with a different ndos.

    Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad english!

  • Please post the DDL for your tables, some DML to create sample data and the desired resultset.

    if you have questions as to what I mean please read this article:[/url]

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • CELKO (4/27/2011)

    In three decades of SQL, I have only seen one situation with a table that wide. It was a medical research project that exposed subjects to a ton of tests.

    You'd have fun working with this ERP...


    RIGHT(name , LEN(name) - CHARINDEX('$' , name)) AS tblName

    , Cnt




    , COUNT(*) As Cnt


    sys.tables t

    INNER JOIN sys.columns c

    on t.object_id = c.object_id

    --name hidden to protect the innocent


    CHARINDEX('$' , = 19


    ) dt


    Cnt DESC

    tblName Cnt

    Sales Line 189

    Sales Header 169

    Posted Sales Order Line 158

    Sales Line Archive 151

    Posted Sales Order Header 148

    Purchase Line 147

    Purchase Line Archive 147

    Posted Purchase Order Line 147

    Item Journal Line 145

    Item 145

    Posted Purchase Order Header 136

    Purchase Header 135

    Sales Header Archive 131

    Gen_ Journal Line 130

    Rental Order Header 126

    Inbound Sales Document Header 121

    Inbound Product Catalog Line 119

    Purchase Header Archive 118

    Rental Return Header 117

    Outbound Sales Document Header 116

    Rental Invoice Header 116

    Rental Delivery Header 116

    Inbound Purch_ Document Header 112

    Sales Invoice Header 110

    Sales Cr_Memo Header 109

    Requisition Line 108

    Sales Invoice Line 108

    Sales Shipment Header 108

    Outbound Purch_ Document Hdr_ 107

    Sales Shipment Line 106

    Inbound Purchase Document Line 106

    Sales Cr_Memo Line 105

    Inbound Sales Document Line 103

    Outbound Purch_ Document Line 103

    Purch_ Rcpt_ Line 103

    Outbound Sales Document Line 102

    Rental Order Line 100

    Purch_ Inv_ Header 98

    Return Receipt Header 97

    Service Header 96

  • Instead of joining:

    From bo(nolock)

    Left Join bi(nolock) On bi.bostamp=bo.bostamp

    Left Join bi mybi(nolock) On mybi.obistamp=bi.bistamp and bi.qtt<>0

    Left Join bo mybo(nolock) On mybo.bostamp=mybi.bostamp

    Left Join bo2 (nolock) On bo2.bo2stamp=mybo.bostamp

    Where bo.ndos=5 and bo.boano=2010 and bi.qtt<>0 and year(bi.datafinal)<>1900

    Use EXISTS

    From bo(nolock)

    Left Join bo mybo(nolock) On mybo.bostamp=mybi.bostamp

    Left Join bo2 (nolock) On bo2.bo2stamp=mybo.bostamp

    Where bo.ndos=5 and bo.boano=2010

    AND EXISTS SELECT 1 FROM bi WHERE bi.bostamp = bo.bostamp AND bi.qtt<>0 and year(bi.datafinal)<>1900)



  • Since there are needed more than 255 columns for Bo, Bo2 was created and for each Bo line there's also another in Bo2, thus Bo2.Bo2stamp = Bo.Bostamp <<

    NO! The whole point of databases – RDBMS, Network, etc. – is to reduce redundancy. Then you create a VIEW with the subset of columns you need. You do not create another table.


    I think you misunderstood. The table had too many columns (Or the columns were too large) so it was horizontally partitioned. In e.g. SQL Server 2000, what else do you do if you need more than 8000 bytes in a row?

    While I agree that there are probably design issues with the database, the question was one about Joins. This is one of the common issues that people new to writing complex queries ask, how to deal with 1 to many joins.

    This one is phrased as:

    How do I get rid of the extra rows from a join because it is screwing up my math? The answer is: don't use a join.

    Another common phrasing is:

    How do I only use the specific rows that I want when I don't know the Primary Keys for those rows? (Commonly, How do I find the most recent order for a customer?): The answer is write a SELECT to get the Primary Keys and JOIN that subquery to your source table.

    In general, the query writer needs to figure out which rows are needed and only return those rows. Once it is understood that "I don't care which one" is not a reasonable answer then progress has been made.



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