
  • I have a table dbo.Listing

    ( Id VARCHAR(20),

    Location VARCHAR(255),

    [Status] VARCHAR(6)


    ID Location Status

    1 LocABCD Active

    2 LocABCD Closed

    3 LocDEFG Closed

    4 LocDEFG Active

    3401 FOOD & LIQUOR Closed

    3422 FOOD & LIQUOR Active

    3623 FOOD & LIQUOR Active

    3333 SPEED Active

    3334 SPEED Closed

    3338 SPEED de-Installed

    I want the output something like this

    Location Info

    LocABCD Conversion

    LocDEFG Conversion

    that is if Locations are equal and ID are different and status of one is active and other is closed then Conversion.

    I donot want Food & liquor since it has two active staus even though there is one closed. Also I donot want SPEED since it has de-installed. Anything other than active,closed and repeative active or closed will not be a conversion.


  • DECLARE @Listing TABLE(

    Id VARCHAR(20),

    Location VARCHAR(255),

    [Status] VARCHAR(6)


    INSERT INTO @Listing


    (1, 'LocABCD', 'Active')

    ,(2, 'LocABCD', 'Closed')

    ,(3, 'LocDEFG', 'Closed')

    ,(4, 'LocDEFG', 'Active')

    ,(3401, 'FOOD & LIQUOR', 'Closed')

    ,(3422, 'FOOD & LIQUOR', 'Active')

    ,(3623, 'FOOD & LIQUOR', 'Active')

    ,(3333, 'SPEED', 'Active')

    ,(3334, 'SPEED', 'Closed')

    ,(3338, 'SPEED', 'de-Ins')

    SELECT Location, 'Conversion' AS Info

    FROM @Listing AS A

    GROUP BY Location

    HAVING SUM(CASE [Status] WHEN 'Active' THEN 1 WHEN 'Closed' THEN -1 END) = 0

    AND MIN(CASE [Status] WHEN 'Active' THEN 1 WHEN 'Closed' THEN 2 WHEN 'de-Ins' THEN 0 END) > 0

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Hi PSB,

    Try something like:

    ;with Active as


    select Location

    from dbo.Listing

    where status in('Active','Repeating Active')

    group by Location, Status

    having count(*) = 1


    select Location

    from dbo.Listing

    where status = 'de-Installed'

    group by Location


    Closed as


    select Location

    from dbo.Listing

    where status in('Closed','Repeating Closed')

    group by Location, Status

    having count(*) = 1


    select A.Location, 'Conversion'

    from Active as A


    select C.Location, 'Conversion'

    from Closed as C

    I've not tested this but you get the point 😀

    Let me know how it goes



    PSB (6/10/2011)

    I have a table dbo.Listing

    ( Id VARCHAR(20),

    Location VARCHAR(255),

    [Status] VARCHAR(6)


    ID Location Status

    1 LocABCD Active

    2 LocABCD Closed

    3 LocDEFG Closed

    4 LocDEFG Active

    3401 FOOD & LIQUOR Closed

    3422 FOOD & LIQUOR Active

    3623 FOOD & LIQUOR Active

    3333 SPEED Active

    3334 SPEED Closed

    3338 SPEED de-Installed

    I want the output something like this

    Location Info

    LocABCD Conversion

    LocDEFG Conversion

    that is if Locations are equal and ID are different and status of one is active and other is closed then Conversion.

    I donot want Food & liquor since it has two active staus even though there is one closed. Also I donot want SPEED since it has de-installed. Anything other than active,closed and repeative active or closed will not be a conversion.


  • Thanks All for the help.

    SSC, you code works but it pulls the Food & Liqor.

    I want To pull locations only if count of locations = 2 and Ids are not equal and status of one is closed and one is active.

    The table has Food & Liqor three times so I dont want that.

  • create table test2

    ( Id VARCHAR(20),

    Location VARCHAR(255),

    [Status] VARCHAR(20)


    drop table test2

    insert into test2

    select '1','LocABCD','Active'

    union all

    select '2','LocABCD','Closed'

    union all

    select '3','LocDEFG','Closed'

    union all

    select '4','LocDEFG','Active'

    union all

    select '3401','FOOD & LIQUOR','Closed'

    union all

    select '3422','FOOD & LIQUOR','Active'

    union all

    select '3623','FOOD & LIQUOR','Active'

    union all

    select '3333','SPEED','Active'

    union all

    select '3334','SPEED','Closed'

    union all

    select '3338','SPEED','de-Instal'

    select location,REPLACE(sumst,0,'Conversion')



    select location, SUM(st) as sumst



    select location, case status

    when 'Active' then 1

    when 'Closed' then -1

    when 'de-instal' then 0

    end as st

    from test2

    where location <> (select location from test2 where status in ('de-Instal'))

    )x group by location

    ) y

    where y.sumst = 0

  • Thanks

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