Conditional Split Conditions not working as expected

  • I created a conditional split to direct rows into separate spreadsheets based on a column value from a SQL query.

    The following conditions worked correctly when determining the values 1-5 in the location column


    Location < "2"

    Location > "1" && Location < "3"

    Location > "2" && Location < "4"

    Location > "3" && Location < "5"

    Location > "4"

    The following conditions did not work when testing for the values of 1-5

    Location == "1"

    Location == "2"

    Location == "3"

    Location == "4"

    Location == "5"

    Has anyone seen this anomaly? The above comparisons should be identical

  • I hope you are missing the data conversions.

  • I did not understand your response!

  • SSIS tends to be a little sensitive to spaces at the end of fields, since it looks like you are using text for the locations you need to be aware of the datatype being used to feed the conditional split. trim off any spaces before the split is attempted and this will probably work. What leads me down that path is two fold, personal experience and the > < method seems to work, which I could see if spaces were involved.


  • Probably a given, but I assume your values are not in a decimal, float, money, or some other non-integer data type? If they are, then your comparison using greater than and less than operators, will return different results than your comparison using equals operators.

  • Thanks Elliot

    Trim function took care it

    Thanks a bunch

  • You bet.


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