Printing Report from Browser using Page Number

  • Using SSRS 2008 R2.

    When I view a report in Report Manager in Internet Explorer I have, for example, pages 1 thru 381. However, when I render the same report in PDF I get pages 1 thru 790.

    This is confusing my users because when they print a page from the browser using a page number, a different page than the one they entered gets sent to the printer.

    When a user prints a page from the browser, the printed page shows the specified page number, but the data on the printed page is different from the browser page having the same page number.

    Is there a way to make the report page numbers in the browser correspond to the page numbers in a PDF export file?

  • Fiddle with the report size and margins until you get a one to one match with pdf output.

  • I set my page sizes to 8.5x11 or 11x8.5 with .5 inch margins. There is something else going on that I don't understand. The difference in the number of pages between the browser and the pdf export is a lot.

  • I assume that when you look at it online it has the number of pages listed, and when you look at the pdf it also has the number of pages listed. Are you getting extra pages horizontally because you are running over the right margin, or are you getting extra pages vertically because fewer rows fit on the pdf than fit on the online view?

    I have a vague recollection of running into this before and that the reason was because pdf files have their own margin requirements or something like that. That's why I suggested fiddling with your margin settings.

    Good luck.

  • I am getting extra pages vertically because fewer rows fit on the pdf than fit on the online view? For example, I may have pages 1 thru 50 online, but 1 thru 65 when exported to pdf. The left and right margins are fine. The report is formatted correctly. The user pages thru the report online and decides he wants, for example, pages 11 thru 13. When he prints pages 11 thru 13 from the browser, the information sent to the printer is not the same as pages 11 thru 13 online.

  • I did a little searching online and found this formula for pdf files:

    (Body Width + Left margin + Right margin) <= (Page width)

    I believe the same holds true for page length

    (Body length + Top margin + Bottom margin) <= (Page length)

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