Delete Duplicate Rows

  • I have seen a few ways to delete duplicate rows, but I can't seem to modify it for my needs.

    Here is what my data is like:

    create table dbo.TestTable


    pk int not null identity(1,1) primary key clustered,

    FirstName varchar(100) null,

    MiddleName varchar(100) null,

    LastName varchar(100) null,

    DateLoaded datetime null


    insert into dbo.TestTable

    values('John', 'Jake', 'Smith', getdate())

    insert into dbo.TestTable

    values('John', 'Jake', 'Smith', getdate()-1)

    insert into dbo.TestTable

    values('Barry', 'Jake', 'Smith', getdate())

    insert into dbo.TestTable

    values('Barry', 'Jake', 'Smith', getdate()-5)

    What I want to do is delete all of the duplicate records that are newer. In other words, the first INSERTed row should be removed because it is the same as the second INSERTed row, but just a newer date.

    I can't really delete based off of the primary key because that's not always a definite that the min primary key was the oldest data.

    Any ideas how I can approach this? Thanks in advance! 🙂

    Twitter: @SQLife
    Email: sqlsalt(at)outlook(dot)com

  • DELETE f

    FROM (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY FirstName, MiddleName, LastName ORDER BY DateLoaded) AS recID

    FROM dbo.Table1

    ) AS f

    WHERE recID > 1

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Thanks for the solution....

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