Lite Speed Backup fails

  • Hi Experts,

    I have an issue with lite speed backup, hope anybodu can help. below is the error i am getting

    Executed as user: NYWEB\sql8.

    Quest SLSSQLMaint Utility.

    Logging on to SQL Server 'WILUPSSQLINV\INVITE' with Windows Authentication

    Logged on to SQL Server 'WILUPSSQLINV\INVITE'

    Starting maintenance plan 'UPSSQLC UserDB (Full)' on 11/9/2010 12:30:20 AM

    [1] Database "UPSInvite": Backup database... LiteSpeed(R) for SQL Server Version Copyright 2009 Quest Software, Inc. Registered

    Name: Admin Msg 60900, Level 16, State 1, Line 0: Error saving data to file. Thread: 1

    BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally. A nonrec slssqlmaint failed [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 50000). The step failed.



  • Puneet

    I've never seen that error before. If you have a support agreement with Quest, use it - you're paying for it, after all! Just e-mail


  • Thanks, just to add

    below is the SQL error i am getting

    BackupMedium::ReportIoError: write failure on backup device 'VDI_C4D30BA6-0EB3-47AA-AC2C-72030AA92979_1'. Operating system error 1(Incorrect function.).

    may be you have any idea looking at this

  • Are you attempting to back up to a CD/DVD writer, by any chance?


  • No, i am taking backup on UNC path

  • Do anybody have any idea?

  • do you have sufficient space for the full backup file?

    does the user running the backup (or service account) have the correct permissions to the UNC path? Running a exec xp_cmdshell 'dir "UNC PATH"' will tell if you have read permissions.

  • Mostly it will be permission issue.

    make sure you have full access on the UNC path.

  • UNC Path has Space and the Login hasfull access on that location.

  • Un tick 'Verify integrity of the backup after completion' and try...

  • its already unchecked, any other idea?

  • Yes. Try backing up to a local drive. If that works then you know your problem is with the network - permissions, communication, whatever. Check that the network share you're trying to back up to isn't a removable media such as CD or DVD. Ask yourself the following questions. Does this still happen if I try to back up a different database? What about if I try to back up a database from a different server to the same location? Did this work at any time in the past? If so, what has changed?


  • It definitely looks like a permissions issue on the destination folder....

    Can you add\remove a file to that UNC path as that windows user?

  • if its a permission issue how my Tlog backup is running successfully?

    its only full backup thats increasing my headache.

    when i ran it manually it ran successfully so network issue should not be the case.

    thanks for helping guys but still its not over.

  • how big is the backup? how long does it take to back when it is successful or if you back it up locally...

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