Login failed for SQL logins

  • Hi,

    One of our server is in mixed authentiacation mode. We can login to SQL server using the SQL logins through SSMS. Even we can connect throgh ODBC also using the SQL authentication successfully.

    But user is not able to connect to the database when using SQL authentication through the application. I can see the below log in eventvwr.

    Login failed for user ''. Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only.

    Where SQL server is configured for mixed authentication. While connection is established using windows authentication through ODBC, user face no issue. Any idea on this?

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • Is this the only instance on that server ?

    Double check you and your user are connecting to the same server\instance !

    Maybe this failed connection tracker helper can help you sort it out.


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  • I checked with the user and they are connecting the right server and instance.

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • you are connecting as on SSMS




    you have to check SSMS from the client PC to Server,You are creating ODBC on the application server,Is this web application or desktop ?

    Is Firwall enabled on the Server ?

    Syed Jahanzaib Bin Hassan

    My Blog

  • In that case double check there aren't any sql client aliasses defined that revert the connection ...

    - Can you post @@version info of the instance ?

    - On your instance, can you double check the setting using :

    EXEC xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer', N'LoginMode'

    Please post the result.

    -AFAIK this setting acts instance wide, so for everyone or for nobody. :ermm:


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  • Hi,

    Please see the result below.

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64) Apr 2 2010 15:48:46 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)

    LoginMode 2

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • @sumanta

    Can you connect SSMS remotely to the instance ?

    Syed Jahanzaib Bin Hassan

    My Blog

  • The message doesn’t seem to be generated from SQL Server. It has no error number and also the message itself doesn’t exist in sys.messages table. Could it be that the message is raised by the application and written to the log?

    By default SQL Server is configured to log failed login error in SQL Server’s error log. Can you find the entry about the failed login? If you can you should check the error’s state. According to the state you can figure out what went wrong. This URL http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sql_protocols/archive/2006/02/21/536201.aspx%5B/url%5D specifies what each state means.


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  • Adi Cohn-120898 (7/4/2011)

    ...By default SQL Server is configured to log failed login error in SQL Server’s error log. ...

    I don't think it is logged in th errorlog by default - however it is a best practise -, but you will find it in the Default trace, if the instance admin kept it active.


    * Import Default Trace and select failed logins.



    * read SQL default trace file name


    SET nocount ON

    declare @wrkTraceFilename nvarchar(500)

    -- read trace info

    SELECT @wrkTraceFilename = convert(nvarchar(500), [value])

    FROM fn_trace_getinfo(1) -- 1 = default trace

    where [property] = 2

    -- Property

    -- 1 = Trace options. For more information, see @options in sp_trace_create (Transact-SQL).

    -- 2 = File name

    -- 3 = Max size

    -- 4 = Stop time

    -- 5 = Current trace status

    print @wrkTraceFilename

    if object_id('tempdb..#tmpTrace') is not null


    drop table #tmpTrace


    select *

    -- used this to be sure I have ALL available columns ( never mind edition, servicepack, CU, HF, ...)

    into #tmpTrace

    from fn_trace_gettable(@wrkTraceFilename, default)


    /* Show 'Audit Login Failed' trace data */

    Select TE.name as EventName

    , db_name(T.DatabaseID) as DatabaseName0

    , T.HostName as TheHostName

    , T.ApplicationName as TheApplicationName

    , T.LoginName as TheLoginName

    , T.StartTime as TheStartTime

    , T.EndTime as TheEndTime

    , Object_schema_name(T.ObjectID, T.DatabaseID) as TheObjectSchema

    , Object_name(T.ObjectID, T.DatabaseID) as TheObjectName

    , T.ServerName as TheServername

    , T.*

    from #tmpTrace T

    inner join sys.trace_events TE

    on TE.trace_event_id = T.EventClass

    where TE.name = 'Audit Login Failed'

    order by TheStartTime

    , DatabaseName

    , LoginName

    , HostName

    , ApplicationName ;


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  • @adi Cohn-120898

    I have checked the SQL error log and it says "Login failed for user ''. Reason: An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed. Server is configured for Windows authentication only. [CLIENT: xx.xx.xx.xxx]"


    I cannot access SQL server from other server. This is may be firewall preventing to connect.

    Can it be due to accessing SQL server from untrusted domain?

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • @alzdba - I ran the query which you have provided. Infact it gives the same error.

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • Sumanta Roy (7/4/2011)


    Please see the result below.

    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64) Apr 2 2010 15:48:46 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)

    LoginMode 2

    You've posted in a SQL2005 forum !

    Please pay attention the next time you launch a thread.

    Advise may defer depending on the engine and edition.

    Are you using the same SQLUser as the one used for the remote connection ( is there a login trigger active ? )


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  • Yes..I should post it in SQL server 2008 thread.

    Are you using the same SQLUser as the one used for the remote connection ( is there a login trigger active ? )

    Yes, I am using the same and there is no logon trigger.

    When connecting from the application, the user is getting the below error message attached.

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • Since it states user '' IMO that means someone didn't provide a SQLUser !

    Check that applications parameters to configure the connection string.


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  • @sumanta

    Is there any other port instead of default port 1433,is this your port enabled in SQL Server Database Server,first try the connection with SSMS remotely then go to application

    Try to establish connection with telnet or check the port with netstat -a is your port is open or not command on cmd

    Syed Jahanzaib Bin Hassan

    My Blog

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