Error: The endpoint is a duplicate

  • I have a new SQL 2008 R2 instalation with SSIS installed. I can log onto SSIS from the local server, but when I try log on from a remote server or work station I get the following error:

    Cannot Connect to MYSSIS08R2SERVER

    Failed to retrieve data for this request (

    Connectiing to the Integratede Service on the computer "MYSSIS08R2SERVER" failed with the following error: "The endpoint is a duplicate"

    I haven't found anything of value covering this on the web. Does anyone have any ideas?



    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

  • Further to my previous e-mail I hve picked up that there are 2 installations of SSIS 2008R2 on different servers in the domain, both running under the NT Authority\NETWORKSERVICE account.

    When I do a SETSPN -T * -X to list duplicate SPNs none of the duplicates reflect the SSIS Service, so it doesn't look like a duplicate SPN.


    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

  • Further to my original post, I've now been able to link an error in the application event log on the server I'm trying to connect to:

    Date 14/07/2011 8:56:19 a.m.

    Log Windows NT (Application)

    Source COM

    Category (0)

    Event 3221243677



    The description for Event ID '-1073723619' in Source 'COM' cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display the message, or you may not have permission to access them. The following information is part of the event:'ncacn_ip_tcp', '135', '0'

    But this in't helping at all.


    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

  • After much research that lead no where, I came across an unrelated article that mentioned the DCOM component MSDtsServer100 and configuring it's end points, so I did a bit of a comparison to see how the component looke on my problem server compared to the working server, and my own SQL 2008 instalations.

    I found someone had added an endpoint for Connection-oriented TCP/IP instead of the default ...default system protocols...

    I reset this today, and restarted the server and we can now connect remotely to SSIS.

    Now if I can find who manually changed the endpoint and why I would be happy.

    I hope this helps someone else one day.



    Nothing in life is ever so complicated that with a little work it can't be made more complicated.

  • Thank you for posting this information, Leo.

    I know why someone specified a port. If you don't specify a port, a port between 49152 and 65535 is dynamically allocated. I work for the US government and opening over 16,000 ports on their firewall(s) is frowned upon. Spending over $800,000 on a lavish GSA Western Region round-up in Las Vegas is A-OK, but opening over 16,000 ports on their firewall is not A-OK.

    I specified a random port between 49152 and 65535, among other things, but still received the error message you have referenced. I specified another random port, the error message ceased to appear, the clouds parted, the birds sang, and I could remotely access SSIS.

    This is not the time or place to bore you with the "among other things". Please contact me if you need to remotely access SSIS and can't open over 16,000 ports on your firewall.

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