MS SQL query problem

  • Table User

    Id Username

    1 A

    2 B

    3 C

    4 D

    Table Roles

    Id UserId Role Status Expiration

    1 1 Admin Active 01-01-2011

    2 2 Client Active 02-02-2011

    3 3 Applicant Active 03-03-2011

    4 4 Client Inactive 04-04-2011


    A B C D -- this is the username

    Admin Client Applicant Client -- role of the username

    Active Active Active inactive -- status of the username

    01-01-2011 02-02-2011 03-03-2011 04-04-2011 -- expiration of username

    I want to achieved the result above. User and Roles table are having a one to one relationship. Username along with the roles information should be in one column respectively. For example User A having a roles information of Admin, Active and 01-01-2011 came from Role, Status, Expiration fields respectively of table Roles. any help pls on how to achieved this result?

  • If I have acknowledged your query properly then I assumed that you looking for result like :-

    user id 1 having roles of ADMIN , and status is ACTIVE since 2011-01-01 00:00:00.000

    I have used this query to generate the output:-

    select 'user id', ,'having roles of ' , b.role , ', and status is ',b.status,' since ',b.expiration

    from users a, roles b

    where =


    I am considering my solution to your query is very basic and not sure if this is what your requirement is about, but thought to share if it helps.


  • Here we can rotate the data by first unpivoting in cte2 and then using pivot in the final select

    ;WITH cte AS


    SELECT Id, Username, Role, Status, Expiration

    FROM Roles


    (SELECT Username FROM [User] WHERE Id = Roles.Id) AS Z



    cte2 AS


    SELECT Row, Id, Comp

    FROM cte


    (SELECT 1, Username UNION ALL


    SELECT 3, Status UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), Expiration, 120)) AS Z (Row, Comp)


    SELECT [1], [2], [3], [4]

    FROM cte2

    PIVOT (MAX(Comp) FOR Id IN ([1], [2], [3], [4])) AS Z

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