derived column isnull

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to change column [division\buyer] when column [division code] is blank or null to "Starcom - Non Tech".

    It seems that the right hand side TRIM() of my condition statement works but not the left side ISNULL(). The code is black and it changes [division\buyer] correctly when it is blank\"", but not when there is a null in the column [division code].

    Derived Column Name: Division\Buyer

    Derived Column: Replace 'Division\Buyer'


    (line_id)==1 && ISNULL([Division Code]) || TRIM([Division Code]) == "" ? " Starcom - Non Tech" : [Division\Buyer]

    The data type is NVCHAR(50) in the DB and in the derived editor it is Unicode String[DT_WSTR].


  • You are mixing AND (&&) and OR (||) in one condition, which can result in unexpected results. Try putting brackets so that you are sure that the conditional logic is followed.

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  • I have changed it to make more simple and it still doesn't work, when I query the DB there is actually a null record in that column [Division Code].

    ISNULL([Division Code]) ? "Starcom - Non Tech" : [Division\Buyer]

  • Are you sure it is a null value and not a string with the value NULL?

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  • I got it working by removing the null in the Select statement, the dervied editor was detecting the NULL.

    ISNULL(optional_3l, '') AS [Division Code]

    So the column is always empty or has a entry now so the dervied editor conditions work perfectly. Thanks for the replies.:-P

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