Replication Questions and Issues

  • I am somewhat of a new SQL 2000 DBA. Less than 6 months. I have a questing with regards to Replication.

    Is it possible to change Transactional Replication to Merge replication with out having to delete the Transactional and creating a new Merge replication?

    Thanks for your response.

  • Unfortunately no, once the package is created you must drop it and recreate it as a merge replication package.

    Steve Jimmo
    Sr DBA
    “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

  • I would suggest that you do a little reading about both transactional and merge replication. Architecturally, they are very different ways do replicate data and you really should understand what is happening so that you can manage each publication.

    Transactional replication relies on the database transaction log to determine what has changed and then stores the relevant data about the change in the distribution database. The distribution agent applies those changes to the subscriber.

    Merge replication used triggers to record changes (well actually that a change has occurred) with the relevant data being stored in the user database. The merge agent is then responsible for comparing the "master" copy of the data with the subscriber and making the changes according to the definition of the publication. This may result in a change being "undone".

    You will find a stack of info in Books online, MSDN and at sites such as Sql Server Central.

  • Thanks Happy. I have another question but I think I need to read some of the other threads in this forum first. I am sure that some of my questions have been answered before as they relate to how replication is handled when upgrading from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005.

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