ssis lookup problem

  • hi,

    i want to create ssis package which takes price values from flat file and insert into table 'mydata'

    but here i need to check company name also..

    i tried with lookup, fuzzy lookup and slowly-changing dimention differently for this

    but i'm not able to succeeded plz help...

    question description :

    i have one flat file : flatfile

    which contains company name and price column...

    now i have one table 'temptable' fields company : id,companyname,price..

    id and company names are present there now i want to match company names from flatfile and put prices in the table...

    but problem is

    in table all company name are in full format and in file it is short..

    for example

    in table company name is 'AK Steel Corporation' and in file it is only 'AK STL'


  • Unless you are able to find an algorithm which can derive short name from long name, there is no easy way.

    One way to solve this permanently would be to add a new field to your 'temptable' - 'CompanyShortName' or whatever - and enter the values there.

    Or add the company ID to your source data - same outcome, though this will work only once, whereas the suggestion above would work repeatedly.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • i have company id in flatfile for evry company.. but id is not there in table..

    in table only name and price is there

    how can i compare id or i need to use temptable ??

  • You need the same field in both places to enable you to do a lookup, simple as that.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil is right on track, you have to have SOMETHING the same between the file and the database to match against. If you don't have a matching field it has to be added somewhere.


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