Is this correct use of WITH (NOLOCK, READUNCOMMITTED) in delete?




    dbo.Reporting_BondIndicative Reporting_BondIndicative







    Fireball_Reporting..Reporting_BondIndicative -- WITH (NOLOCK, READUNCOMMITTED)



    ) MinCusip ON

    Reporting_BondIndicative.CUSIP = MinCusip.CUSIP AND

    Reporting_BondIndicative.SecurityId = MinCusip.SecurityId


    Reporting_BondIndicative.SecurityId IN





    dbo.Reporting_BondIndicative -- WITH (NOLOCK, READUNCOMMITTED)




    COUNT(*) > 1


    as there is select statement so please tell me i'm correct or not?

  • Firstly those 2 hints mean exactly the same thing, so you're just repeating yourself.

    Secondly, those hints have NO place in most code most of the time.

    Thirdly, did you read through all the repeated warning about those hints? NOLOCK is NOT a go-faster switch. If you're having problems with blocking, consider the read committed snapshot isolation.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Only if you don't mind deleting the wrong data, or getting your connection killed (normal behavior with nolock).

  • Ah! nice catch Gail.

    Please don't cross post. It just wastes everyone's time and our answer won't change from one thread to another.

  • i.m just using this stored procedure for reporting purpose..

    please let me know my usage is at right or not?

  • ashuthinks (11/16/2011)

    i.m just using this stored procedure for reporting purpose..

    please let me know my usage is at right or not?

    Why do you NEED to use this?

    It's NOT a go fast magic red button.

  • ashuthinks (11/16/2011)

    i.m just using this stored procedure for reporting purpose..

    please let me know my usage is at right or not?

    Since when does reporting run deletes?

    Why are you so determined to use this hint? It's not as if you're paid by the number of keywords or features that you use.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • many reports are accessing this stored procedure at the same time so TO AVOID DEADLOCK I'M USING THI 🙂

  • There's no deadlocks on selects.

    Reports should have to delete anything in permanant tables.

    Why do you need to delete the base tables' data for that report?

  • ashuthinks (11/16/2011)

    many reports are accessing this stored procedure at the same time so TO AVOID DEADLOCK I'M USING THI 🙂

    So, if you don't use it you are definitely getting deadlocks? Or are you guessing that you might?

    Deadlocks are completely fixable (except in one or 2 really odd edge cases) with tuning code and modifying indexes.

    p.s. Please don't shout at me.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • its a huge long store procedure depending upon conditions

    i insert data , update data and delete data from tables..

    what i have posted is just a sample code of SP.

    but i'm not sure about the space of WITH(NOLOCK) into above delete block

    so thats why i posted a question .

    NOLOCK is working with select only and as delete block is having select statement

    so i wonder that I can use it or not ?

  • @gila yes sir...

    i knew that if i don't use NOLOCK i will definitely get a deadlock so for successful

    execution i need to use NOLOCK

  • ashuthinks (11/16/2011)

    @gila yes sir...

    i knew that if i don't use NOLOCK i will definitely get a deadlock so for successful

    execution i need to use NOLOCK

    It's a mam actually..

    ...backs away slowly 😉

  • OPPS 😛

  • ashuthinks (11/16/2011)

    its a huge long store procedure depending upon conditions

    i insert data , update data and delete data from tables..

    what i have posted is just a sample code of SP.

    but i'm not sure about the space of WITH(NOLOCK) into above delete block

    so thats why i posted a question .

    NOLOCK is working with select only and as delete block is having select statement

    so i wonder that I can use it or not ?

    That's why temp table were invented. You can't get deadlocks there.

    Also it avoids the collision between multiple reports messing with one another's data.

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