Script task giving erro with no details

  • Hi,

    I have a script task as a lat task in my package. Here I am trying to read the error log table and give the count in the msgbox. The execution giving error at this task (with red color). But, execution results is not giving any details about the error.

    I have started my task with simple code below:

    Dim connMgr As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections("AuthenCustomer")

    Dim ConnStr As String = connMgr.ConnectionString

    Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = CType(connMgr.AcquireConnection(Nothing), SqlConnection) ' Object to hold connection

    Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand ' SQL Command object

    Dim rdrReader As SqlDataReader ' Data reader to hold output of command

    Dim sqlCmdText As String ' SQL Command text


    sqlCmdText = "select count(*) from SSISErrorLog"

    sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(sqlCmdText, sqlConn)

    rdrReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()

    MsgBox(rdrReader.Item(0), , "The table contains this many rows:")


    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    Catch ex As Exception

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

    End Try

    Please let me know, what is wrong in this code.

  • Don't you need to convert the integer count to a string ? myRdr.Item(0).ToString() ??

  • Thank you Vishal. But, I have added that also. Even in the begining only, now added 'MessageBox.Show("Start query")'. It is not displaying thi smessage even. Thank you for your help.

  • Not sure if this helps, but in c# the way to get a string value from a reader is


    and the SSIS script you have is in VB, so .. not sure but is that (.item(0)) correct syntax?

  • I have tried that syntax also. No syntax error. Same task error but no description.

    Thank you.

  • I think there is something wrong with the way the connection string is initialized and used.

    You may need to either specify the full connection string or use something like this:

    DirectCast(Connections.AuthenCustomer.AcquireConnection(Nothing), SqlConnection)

    More info:

  • Thank you so much for the quick responses. I have followed the link and everyhting looks similar except the connection string. The finalized code is here for your review:

    Dim connMgr As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections("AuthenCustomer")

    Dim ConnStr As String = connMgr.ConnectionString

    Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = CType(connMgr.AcquireConnection(Nothing), SqlConnection) ' Object to hold connection

    Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand ' SQL Command object

    Dim rdrReader As SqlDataReader ' Data reader to hold output of command

    Dim sqlCmdText As String ' SQL Command text

    Public Sub Main()


    MessageBox.Show("Before connections")

    sqlConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=sqldev01;Initial Catalog=AuthenCustomer;Integrated Security=True;"

    ' Set the command text

    'sqlCmdText = "select vchSourceName, iErrorCode, vchErrorDescription, vchCustomDescription, vchData from SSISErrorLog"

    sqlCmdText = "select count(*) from SSISErrorLog"

    ' Execute the command and put the results into the data reader

    sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn

    sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(sqlCmdText, sqlConn)

    rdrReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()

    ' Take the data item in the reader and show it in a message box

    'Do While rdrReader.Read()




    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    Catch ex As Exception

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure


    End Try

    End Sub

  • Did you try getting the error message?

    Change your error handler part to this:

    Catch ex As Exception

    MessageBox.Show("Failure: " + ex.Message.ToString())

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

    End Try

  • Sorry to say, no use. May be it is connection problem.

    Thank you

  • Try changing it to this:

    Public Sub Main()


    MessageBox.Show("Before connections")

    Dim connMgr As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections("AuthenCustomer")

    Dim ConnStr As String = connMgr.ConnectionString

    Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = CType(connMgr.AcquireConnection(Nothing), SqlConnection) ' Object to hold connection

    Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand ' SQL Command object

    Dim rdrReader As SqlDataReader ' Data reader to hold output of command

    Dim sqlCmdText As String ' SQL Command text

    sqlConn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=sqldev01;Initial Catalog=AuthenCustomer;Integrated Security=True;"

    ' Set the command text

    'sqlCmdText = "select vchSourceName, iErrorCode, vchErrorDescription, vchCustomDescription, vchData from SSISErrorLog"

    sqlCmdText = "select count(*) from SSISErrorLog"

    ' Execute the command and put the results into the data reader

    sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn

    sqlCmd = New SqlCommand(sqlCmdText, sqlConn)

    rdrReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()

    ' Take the data item in the reader and show it in a message box

    'Do While rdrReader.Read()




    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    Catch ex As Exception

    MessageBox.Show("Failure: " + ex.Message.ToString())

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

    End Try

    End Sub

    And also, paste what your output log is providing after you execute it with the above changes.

  • It didn't work. As I am new to SSIS, no idea where to look for log information.

    Thanks a lot.

  • It didn't work. As I am new to SSIS, don't know where to look for log information.

    Thanks a lot.

  • You need to explain more what you mean by "It didn't work"

    What are you getting as an output? Do you have any message box appear when you execute the package?

    After your package completes execution, there should be a tab where you can view the output. Look at the attached screen shot if you have trouble finding it. Paste all the lines in that output box into here.

  • I found the solution by specifically declaring the connection as below:

    Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection(";uid=Authencustomer;pwd=Test1234;database=AUTHENCustomer")


  • You probably should remove that info ...

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