Error 18456 Severity 14 State 43 Failed to send an environment change notification to a log shipping partner node.

  • Hello Folks,

    We are encountering the above error on a live server when an external service attempts to login.

    I have been unable to find any documentation about this specific error state. The error message suggests that the problem is due to an issue with log shipping.

    Has anyone come across this specific error state before? Can anyone provide any advice or suggestions about how we might resolve the issue?



  • I found some useful information from this link.

    Here's the info from the link " this could have to do with UAC, or that the domain controller could not be reached, or that the domain account could not authenticate against the log shipping partner, or that the log shipping partner was down. Try changing the service account for SQL Server to a known domain or local account, rather than the built-in local service accounts, and validating that the partner instance is accessible"


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