problem with the right outer join

  • I have two tables

    EmployeeInfo(emp_id int, emp_name varchar(20), emptype_id int) and

    EmployeeType(emptype_id int, emptype_desc varchar(100))

    EmployeeInfo(emptype_id) references EmployeeType(emptype_id)

    1 FTE

    2 Trainee

    3 Contract

    4 Marcopolo

    5 GET

    6 Expat

    7 Transfer

    8 Professional Trainee

    9 Bridge

    Now, I want to find out how many employees are there of each emptype_id.

    I wrote the following query:

    SELECT EM.emptype_id, count(em.emp_id) as Employee_Count

    FROM EmployeeInfo EM RIGHT OUTER JOIN EmployeeType ET ON EM.emptype_id = ET.emptype_id

    group by EM.emptype_id

    which is giving the following output

    emptype_id count(*)


    NULL 0

    1 149

    2 8

    3 80

    5 10

    But i want the output as follows , please note that for emptype_id 4,6,7,8,9 has no records in EmployeeInfo table.

    emptype_id count(*)


    NULL 0

    1 149

    2 8

    3 80

    4 0

    5 10

    6 0

    7 0

    8 0

    9 0

    thanks for the rply..

  • You are using a right join which is only counting employees that belong to each type.

    I suspect you are trying to list all employee types irrespective of whether there are employees belong to that type, in which case you need to use a left join:

    SELECT ET.emptype_id, count(em.emp_id) as Employee_Count

    FROM EmployeeInfo EM LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeType ET ON EM.emptype_id = ET.emptype_id

    group by ET.emptype_id

    Try this and let me know if its right as I'm also learning.

  • bizzyjunky (3/15/2011)

    You are using a right join which is only counting employees that belong to each type.

    I suspect you are trying to list all employee types irrespective of whether there are employees belong to that type, in which case you need to use a left join:

    SELECT ET.emptype_id, count(em.emp_id) as Employee_Count

    FROM EmployeeInfo EM LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeType ET ON EM.emptype_id = ET.emptype_id

    group by ET.emptype_id

    Try this and let me know if its right as I'm also learning.

    You probably need to switch the order of tables to get all EmployeeTypes and the count of employeeInfo with that type.

    FROM EmployeeType ET LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeInfo EM ON EM.emptype_id = ET.emptype_id


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  • no.. left outer join did'nt helped..

  • @sean Lange..

    changing the order also didnt helped..

  • thanks for giving a try. I got it..

    I had made a small change and now i got the output perfectly..

    In the select statement i had actually changed EM.emptype_id to ET.emptype_id

    SELECT ET.emptype_id, count(em.emp_id) as Employee_Count

    FROM EmployeeInfo EM RIGHT OUTER JOIN EmployeeType ET ON EM.emptype_id = ET.emptype_id

    group by EM.emptype_id

  • Try this:

    declare @employeetype table

    ( typeid int , emptype varchar(25) )

    insert into @employeetype

    select 1 ,'FTE'

    union all select 2, 'Trainee'

    union all select 3, 'Contract'

    union all select 4, 'Marcopolo'

    union all select 5, 'GET'

    union all select 6, 'Expat'

    union all select 7, 'Transfer'

    union all select 8, 'Professional Trainee'

    union all select 9, 'Bridge'

    declare @empid table


    empid int,

    emptype int


    insert into @empid

    select number empid , ((abs(checksum((NEWID()))) % 7 ) ) emptype from master..spt_values

    where number between 1 and 200

    --select * from @empid

    select ET.typeid , COUNT (EI.empid) Cnt_EMp

    from @employeetype ET

    LEFT JOIN @empid EI

    on ET.typeid = EI.emptype

    group by et.typeid

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