find all relationship of specified

  • Hi to all,

    i wanted to find all relationship of specified tables(for example i am speciying Table ‘A’

    Table ‘A’ has child relationship with Table ‘B’ and Table ‘C’ and Table ‘B’ and Table ‘C’ has again child relationship with Table ‘D’ and Table ‘E’ and also Table ‘A’ and Table ‘C’ has parent relationship with Table ‘G’ and Table ‘H’)

    Now i wanto find all tables when i specify Table’A’ please help me with this...

    Thanks in Advance

  • manju3606 (12/15/2011)

    Hi to all,

    i wanted to find all relationship of specified tables(for example i am speciying Table ‘A’

    Table ‘A’ has child relationship with Table ‘B’ and Table ‘C’ and Table ‘B’ and Table ‘C’ has again child relationship with Table ‘D’ and Table ‘E’ and also Table ‘A’ and Table ‘C’ has parent relationship with Table ‘G’ and Table ‘H’)

    Now i wanto find all tables when i specify Table’A’ please help me with this...

    Thanks in Advance

    Query SYS.Foreign_Keys & SYS.Foreign_Key_Columns to get the desired result. I will try to write if I got some time.

    Sujeet Singh

  • You mean something like :

    This one will fail if you got circular references !

    ;with cteObjHirarchy

    as (

    select 1 as MyLevel

    , -1 as FK_object_id

    , O.object_id as ChildObjectId

    , -1 as ParentObjectId

    from sys.all_objects O

    where O.[type] = 'U'

    and not exists ( Select *

    from sys.foreign_keys AS FK

    where FK.Parent_object_id = O.object_id )

    and name not in ('dtproperties')


    select B.MyLevel+1

    , FK.object_id

    , FK.parent_object_id

    , FK.referenced_object_id

    from sys.foreign_keys FK

    inner JOIN cteObjHirarchy B

    on FK.referenced_object_id = B.ChildObjectId


    select QUOTENAME ( OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME ( ChildObjectId )) as TheChildSchema

    , QUOTENAME ( OBJECT_NAME ( ChildObjectId )) as TheChildName

    , QUOTENAME ( OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME ( ParentObjectId )) as TheParentSchema

    , QUOTENAME ( OBJECT_NAME ( ParentObjectId )) as TheParentName

    , QUOTENAME ( OBJECT_NAME ( FK_object_id )) as FKName

    , *

    from cteObjHirarchy

    order by MyLevel desc, TheChildSchema, TheChildName

    option( MAXRECURSION 15 )



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