Finding Free Space per Data File with PowerShell

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Finding Free Space per Data File with PowerShell

    @SQLvariantI have a PowerShell script[/url] for you.

  • Where can I get this cmdlet Get-SqlDatabase? Am using PSv2.0, SQL08, WinXP.

    "The term 'Get-SqlDatabase' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,"

    There is an exception to every rule, except this one...

  • The hard way.... sheesh 🙂

    Pass in an SMO sql object and here you go! (doing the log files is that easy as well)

    Function Get-DatabaseFilesBySpaceAvailable ([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server] $SmoSqlServer

    , [decimal] $sizeThreshold=0.85)


    $sqlServer.Databases | Where-Object{$_.Status -eq "Normal"} `

    | Select-Object FileGroups -ExpandProperty FileGroups `

    | Select-Object Files -ExpandProperty Files `

    | Where-Object {$_.MaxSize -gt -1} `

    | Where-Object {$_.Size -gt ($_.MaxSize * $sizeThreshold)} `

    | Select Name,UsedSpace,Size,MaxSize



  • Hmmm... I usually just use SQL to find SQL data.

    EXEC ('DBCC SQLPERF(logspace)'); - handles overall log information per database... but unless you have multiple Tlog files because you have critical drive space issues or for some other reason, that's not an issue. Runs on all DBs.

    DBCC LOGINFO - shows VLFs in the Tlog (I particularly like watching Total Size/VLF; for very large Tlogs, this is more important). Runs on the current DB (so do dynamic SQL with a USE dbname; first).

    DBCC SHOWFILESTATS - shows total and used extents for each data file. Runs on the current DB.

  • @Nadrek - using SQL is the normal way for most of us.

    At some point, you are going to have too many servers to manage doing on a server by server basis.

    Utilizing a script that reads your central inventory server or simply a text file, you can check over every database file on every server in your enterprise - no multiple deployments or huge server groups to manage in SSMS. (I run a whole battery of checks nightly on every server, as I find something else, i just add it to my monitoring scripts in one location, the next day I have new info)

    To me, that is the benefit.


  • WI-DBA (5/11/2011)

    @Nadrek - using SQL is the normal way for most of us.

    At some point, you are going to have too many servers to manage doing on a server by server basis.

    Utilizing a script that reads your central inventory server or simply a text file, you can check over every database file on every server in your enterprise - no multiple deployments or huge server groups to manage in SSMS. (I run a whole battery of checks nightly on every server, as I find something else, i just add it to my monitoring scripts in one location, the next day I have new info)

    To me, that is the benefit.

    That's why the script INSERTS INTO a central monitoring server from each server I manage, based on SQL Server Agent Jobs; I just read from the central monitoring server.

    The SQL Server Agent Jobs and SP's are distributed using SSMS's Multiple Instance capability, based on Registered Server groups.

  • Nadrek (5/11/2011)

    WI-DBA (5/11/2011)

    @Nadrek - using SQL is the normal way for most of us.

    At some point, you are going to have too many servers to manage doing on a server by server basis.

    Utilizing a script that reads your central inventory server or simply a text file, you can check over every database file on every server in your enterprise - no multiple deployments or huge server groups to manage in SSMS. (I run a whole battery of checks nightly on every server, as I find something else, i just add it to my monitoring scripts in one location, the next day I have new info)

    To me, that is the benefit.

    That's why the script INSERTS INTO a central monitoring server from each server I manage, based on SQL Server Agent Jobs; I just read from the central monitoring server.

    The SQL Server Agent Jobs and SP's are distributed using SSMS's Multiple Instance capability, based on Registered Server groups.

    Looks like you read my mind on the next article in the series 🙂

    @SQLvariantI have a PowerShell script[/url] for you.

  • @Nadrek - Its a preference really, I don't like having lots of maintenance jobs on my servers, and when I come up with something new to check, the single deployment makes the whole process much quicker to deploy.


  • On the SQL server I only have PS1

    and the hard way gives me error:

    Unexpected token 'in' in expression or statement.

    At D:\Temp\freeInDB.ps1:11 char:40

    + $cmdStatement+=foreach ($DFileGroups in <<<< $db.FileGroups)

    I just need to know how much unused space (GB) I have in 309GB database.

    even a SQL script will do.

  • Ofer Gal (5/11/2011)

    On the SQL server I only have PS1

    and the hard way gives me error:

    Unexpected token 'in' in expression or statement.

    At D:\Temp\freeInDB.ps1:11 char:40

    + $cmdStatement+=foreach ($DFileGroups in <<<< $db.FileGroups)

    I just need to know how much unused space (GB) I have in 309GB database.

    even a SQL script will do.

    DBCC SQLPERF(logspace)

    There is an exception to every rule, except this one...

  • This gives me the log space used.

    I need the data space used or unused

  • This should do it -

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned


    Function Get-DatabaseFilesBySpaceAvailable ([Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server] $SmoSqlServer

    , [decimal] $sizeThreshold=0.80)


    $sqlServer.Databases | Where-Object{$_.Status -eq "Normal"} `

    | Select-Object FileGroups -ExpandProperty FileGroups `

    | Select-Object Files -ExpandProperty Files `

    | Where-Object {$_.MaxSize -gt -1} `

    | Where-Object {$_.UsedSpace -gt ($_.MaxSize * $sizeThreshold)} `

    | Select UsedSpace,Size,MaxSize,FileName


    $sqlServer = New-Object("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server") "Server\Instance"

    Get-DatabaseFilesBySpaceAvailable -SmoSqlServer $sqlServer| FT -autosize


  • WI-DBA (5/11/2011)

    @Nadrek - Its a preference really, I don't like having lots of maintenance jobs on my servers, and when I come up with something new to check, the single deployment makes the whole process much quicker to deploy.

    The PowerShell for just a single database would be:

    Get-SqlDatabase "WIN7W510\R2" "AdventureWorks" | Get-SqlDataFile | Format-Table Server, dbname, FileGroup, FileName, FreeSpace, timestamp

    Just make sure to run this first if you haven't already:

    Import-Module SQLServer

    and obviously change out AdventureWorks to be the name of your database that you want to look at and "WIN7W510\R2" to be the name of the server & instance that database is on.

    @SQLvariantI have a PowerShell script[/url] for you.

  • Ofer Gal (5/11/2011)

    This gives me the log space used.

    I need the data space used or unused

    Oops. Here is a query (sql2k compatible) that I use regularly for that.



    @TargetDatabase sysname,

    @Level varchar(10),

    @UpdateUsage bit,

    @Unit char(2)

    Select @TargetDatabase = NULL, -- NULL: all dbs

    @Level = 'File', -- or "Database"

    @UpdateUsage = 0, -- default no update

    @Unit = 'GB' -- Megabytes, Kilobytes or Gigabytes

    CREATE TABLE #Tbl_CombinedInfo (

    DatabaseName sysname NULL,

    [type] VARCHAR(10) NULL,

    FileGroup VARCHAR(50) NULL,

    LogicalName VARCHAR(150) NULL,

    T dec(10, 2) NULL,

    U dec(10, 2) NULL,

    [U(%)] dec(5, 2) NULL,

    F dec(10, 2) NULL,

    [F(%)] dec(5, 2) NULL,

    PhysicalName sysname NULL );

    CREATE TABLE #Tbl_DbFileStats (

    Id int identity,

    DatabaseName sysname NULL,

    FileId int NULL,

    FileGroupID int NULL,

    TotalExtents bigint NULL,

    UsedExtents bigint NULL,

    Name sysname NULL,

    [FileName] varchar(255) NULL );

    CREATE TABLE #Tbl_ValidDbs (

    Id int identity,

    Dbname sysname NULL );

    CREATE TABLE #Tbl_Logs (

    DatabaseName sysname NULL,

    LogSize dec (10, 2) NULL,

    LogSpaceUsedPercent dec (5, 2) NULL,

    Status int NULL );

    DECLARE @Ver varchar(10),

    @DatabaseName sysname,

    @Ident_last int,

    @String varchar(2000),

    @BaseString varchar(2000);

    SELECT @DatabaseName = '',

    @Ident_last = 0,

    @String = '',

    @Ver = CASE WHEN @@VERSION LIKE '%9.0%' THEN 'SQL 2005'

    WHEN @@VERSION LIKE '%8.0%' THEN 'SQL 2000'

    WHEN @@VERSION LIKE '%10.%' THEN 'SQL 2008'


    SELECT @BaseString = ' SELECT DB_NAME(), ' +

    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN 'CASE WHEN a.status & 0x40 = 0x40 THEN ''Log'' ELSE ''Data'' END'

    ELSE 'CASE type WHEN 0 THEN ''Data'' WHEN 1 THEN ''Log'' WHEN 4 THEN ''Full-text'' ELSE ''reserved'' END'


    + ', groupname, name, ' +

    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN 'filename'

    ELSE 'physical_name'


    + ', size*8.0/1024.0 FROM ' +

    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN 'sysfiles a Left Join sysfilegroups b on a.groupid = b.groupid'

    ELSE 'sys.database_files a Left Join sysfilegroups b on a.data_space_id = b.groupid'


    + ' WHERE ' +

    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN ' HAS_DBACCESS(DB_NAME()) = 1'

    ELSE 'state_desc = ''ONLINE'''


    + '';

    SELECT @String = 'INSERT INTO #Tbl_ValidDbs SELECT name FROM ' +

    CASE WHEN @Ver = 'SQL 2000' THEN 'master.dbo.sysdatabases'

    WHEN @Ver IN ('SQL 2005', 'SQL 2008') THEN 'master.sys.databases'


    + ' WHERE HAS_DBACCESS(name) = 1 ORDER BY name ASC';

    EXEC (@String);



    WHILE 1 = 1


    SELECT TOP 1 @DatabaseName = Dbname

    FROM #Tbl_ValidDbs

    WHERE Dbname > @DatabaseName

    ORDER BY Dbname;

    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0


    SELECT @Ident_last = ISNULL(MAX(Id), 0)

    FROM #Tbl_DbFileStats;

    SELECT @String = 'INSERT INTO #Tbl_CombinedInfo (DatabaseName, type, FileGroup, LogicalName, PhysicalName, T) ' + @BaseString;

    EXEC ('USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] ' + @String);

    INSERT INTO #Tbl_DbFileStats (FileId, FileGroupID, TotalExtents, UsedExtents, Name, FileName)


    UPDATE #Tbl_DbFileStats

    SET DatabaseName = @DatabaseName

    WHERE Id BETWEEN @Ident_last + 1




    UPDATE #Tbl_CombinedInfo

    SET U = s.UsedExtents*8*8/1024.0

    FROM #Tbl_CombinedInfo t

    JOIN #Tbl_DbFileStats s ON t.LogicalName = s.Name

    AND s.DatabaseName = t.DatabaseName;

    UPDATE #Tbl_CombinedInfo

    SET [U(%)] = LogSpaceUsedPercent,

    U = T * LogSpaceUsedPercent/100.0

    FROM #Tbl_CombinedInfo t

    JOIN #Tbl_Logs l ON l.DatabaseName = t.DatabaseName

    WHERE t.type = 'Log';

    UPDATE #Tbl_CombinedInfo SET F = T - U, [U(%)] = U*100.0/T;

    UPDATE #Tbl_CombinedInfo SET [F(%)] = F*100.0/T;



    IF @Unit = 'KB'

    UPDATE #Tbl_CombinedInfo

    SET T = T * 1024, U = U * 1024, F = F * 1024;

    IF @Unit = 'GB'

    UPDATE #Tbl_CombinedInfo

    SET T = T / 1024, U = U / 1024, F = F / 1024;

    SELECT Case When CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName') as varchar(50)) is NULL

    Then CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') as varchar(50))

    Else CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName') as varchar(50))

    End as 'InstanceName',

    DatabaseName AS 'Database',

    type AS 'Type',



    T AS 'Total',

    U AS 'Used',

    [U(%)] AS 'Used (%)',

    F AS 'Free',

    [F(%)] AS 'Free (%)',


    FROM #Tbl_CombinedInfo

    WHERE DatabaseName LIKE ISNULL(@TargetDatabase, '%')

    ORDER BY DatabaseName, type;


    DROP TABLE #Tbl_CombinedInfo

    DROP TABLE #Tbl_DbFileStats

    DROP TABLE #Tbl_ValidDbs

    DROP TABLE #Tbl_Logs

    There is an exception to every rule, except this one...

  • Thanks for another great resource in the series.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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