Blog Post

Presentations: Slides and Demos


Over the past couple of weeks I have given several presentations.  At each presentation I have promised to post the slides and demos for each.  Well finally here they are.  I want to apologize for the long delay. 

SQL Lunch 47Introduction to Change Data Capture (watch video)

Pragmatic Works Free Training WebinarChange Data Capture with SSIS (watch video)

SQL Saturday #57 HoustonSSIS:  Configuring, Deploying and a Little Tuning

SQL Saturday #57 HoustonWhat’s new in Reporting Services R2

Houston SQL Server User GroupChange Data Capture with SSIS

You will need to download the Contoso database to run the Change Data Capture with SSIS demos.  If you would like for me to give either of these presentations at your event email me at

Talk to you soon,

Patrick LeBlanc, MVP, founder SQL Lunch 

Sharing everything he learns about SQL Server


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