Update error

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to update table with group by function but i am getting following error:

    Error: Executing the query "

    update Accounts_Fact set Create_Date=MIN(Create_D..." failed with the following error: "An aggregate may not appear in the set list of an UPDATE statement.".

    My query is

    update Accounts_Fact set Create_Date=MIN(Create_Date)

    where AccountID = ( select AccountID from Accounts_Fact group by AccountID)

    Please let me know what to do to resolve this issue?

  • The error message is quite clear , you will need to perform the aggregation in another block such as a CTE and then join back to table you want to update to.

    something like

    with cte as (

    select col1, min(col2) as col2 from tb1 group by col1)

    update u

    set col1 = c.col2

    from tb2 u

    join cte c

    on u.col1 = c.col1

  • Thanks man...it worked 🙂

  • I am using getdate() function for create_date column, so whenever i will execute my ETL create date will set to get date, but i need first create_date to be in create_date column, so finding minimum create date of each account , thats why i have set it to group by accountid and this will help me to set create date to minimum create date for each account. 🙂

  • Do not use the proprietary UPDATE.. FROM.. syntax; it has cardinality problems and will not port. But it looks weird to me; why do you want to set every creation date to the same value?

    Could you explain what you mean by "cardinality problems", please?

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