Data Collector - Missing or Corrupted Data

  • I am running SQL Server 2008 R2 on a machine that we have set up a Data Collector MDW on. All of the other servers sending data back are either 2008 R2 SP1 or 2008 SP2.

    This morning I found that some jobs on the MDW server were hung. When I fixed the issue, I noticed that I have a huge time gap in my Data Collector window from the night before until I fixed the issue this morning.

    Is there a way to reprocess the missing data or reconfigure Data Collector so this doesn't happen again? I'd like to know that if the MDW server is tied up or unavailable that the other servers will retain the data until it can be successfully processed.

    Just a note, the other servers did not report a failure in their upload jobs. Does this mean the data was successfully sent and it's sitting in the MDW database somewhere?



    *** UPDATE ***

    It looks like all of the collection jobs were cancelled. That would explain why the data wasn't getting processed. I had to re-run them all and the data started coming in. I have gaps for the duration that the jobs didn't run. The strange part is, on all of my servers almost every collection job was marked cancelled after approximately 23 hours.


    Any reason why the collection jobs would all be cancelled after about 23 hours?

    Is there any way to make sure if this happens again I can reprocess the data?

  • Hi,

    have you looked in the data collector folder on disk? Are there any data files?

    Have you checked the MDW reports about the specific data?

    [font="Arial"]Kind regards,

    Patrick Fiedler

    Fiedler SQL Consulting

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