Need to refresh Pivot table with Office 2010 driver

  • Hello


    I have refreshing the pivot table using script task inside the SSIS package and it worked great. But in my new server they are not installing Office application and all that will be availiable is drivers. How do i get my pivot table refreshed using script? Script that i am using at the moment with office application.

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim objXLS_Application As Object

    Dim objXLS_Workbook As Object

    Dim s_outputfilename As String

    objXLS_Application = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

    s_outputfilename= "\\C:\Test.xlsm"

    objXLS_Workbook = objXLS_Application.Workbooks.Open(s_outputfilename)

    Call objXLS_Application.Run("'" & s_outputfilename & "'" & "!MacroRefreshAll")

    Call objXLS_Workbook.Save()

    Call objXLS_Workbook.close()

    objXLS_Workbook = Nothing

    Call objXLS_Application.Quit()

    objXLS_Application = Nothing

    Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success

    End Sub

  • If the issue is that your unable to generate an excel file as part of the output for the SSIS package .You might want to create a staging table and have excel connect using the external data source option under the pivot table wizard.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

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