Please help me

  • Please suggest me how to learn msbi(ssis,ssrs,ssas)

    which is the better way to learn..???

    i'm working in different field but i'm interested in this field so i want to change my platform

    please guide me how to get success..????

    i started to learn T-SQL fundamentals but i'm bit confuse that am i on the right track or not..???

    thanks for your help....

  • 1- Build your own lab - a.k.a. install SQL Server Developer Edition on a home computer.

    2- Install an example database like Northwind

    3- Read about architecture first then about the product you want to tackle on Books On Line.

    4- Practice... test... practice... test

    5- Read the questions people ask in this forum, research and try to answer them by yourself then compare answer with what senior people are saying.

    good luck!

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • Thanks for your reply...!!

    now i'm reading 'T-Sql fundamentals' is this correct way to start..??

  • I guess the main strating point as per previous reply is:

    1- Build your own lab - a.k.a. install SQL Server Developer Edition on a home computer.

    ... or your work PC

    Then you can test straight away what you read in the book...

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

    How to post your question to get the best and quick help[/url]

  • Thanks to all,

    i already installed 'sqlserver2008' and i have adventureworks sample database in my pc, i started what the book is saying exactly but i'm not satisfy when comparing with MSBI(ssis,ssra,ssas).

    please guide me how to use books online..

  • ganeshnarim (2/21/2012)

    please guide me how to use books online..

    Books On Line is installed alongside SQL Server so just go Start => All Programs => SQL Server => Books On Line

    Two ways to use it.

    1- As a book. Please read about SQL Server architecture.

    2- As a reference manual. When you have a doubt about something in particular, search for it.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • ganeshnarim (2/21/2012)

    Thanks to all,

    i already installed 'sqlserver2008' and i have adventureworks sample database in my pc, i started what the book is saying exactly but i'm not satisfy when comparing with MSBI(ssis,ssra,ssas).

    please guide me how to use books online..

    You have to learn the fundamentals of SQL before you can move on to BI. So keep following your book, BOL, or get a Beginner's Guide to SQL or something... Once you have a grasp on SQL, you can move into the BI stuff. For a complete beginner, I actually like the "for Dummie's" or SAMS Teach Yourself books. They will not teach you advanced techniques or anything, but since you don't do this everyday at work you need to get your feet wet and start playing. When you feel you can move into more advanced techniques, or if you just want to jump in at that point, I like the WROX books.

    After you have a good grasp on T-SQL itself, I would concentrate on the BI areas 1 by 1. Don't take on all of them at once or you will fail. Also, become an expert in one, then move to the others. I would start in this order because using 1 will help to learn the next:

    1. SSRS

    2. SSIS

    3. SSAS

    CE - Microsoft

  • That's great explanation..thank you dear

    Now i'm fine with my doubt it's was gone..!:-)

    can i start like this SSIS



    because i have bit knowledge about SSIS. moving data from one place to another place and i tried some tools like 'for each loop containers'..etc these things make me crazy about learning BI.

  • ganeshnarim (2/21/2012)

    That's great explanation..thank you dear

    Now i'm fine with my doubt it's was gone..!:-)

    can i start like this SSIS



    because i have bit knowledge about SSIS. moving data from one place to another place and i tried some tools like 'for each loop containers'..etc these things make me crazy about learning BI.

    Absolutely! It was just a suggestion based on my experience. Since you have experience in SSIS, I would start there. SSAS should definitely be the last piece because it is completely different from SQL in terms of its syntax and the way you think about its structure. SSRS should be a breeze once you get SSIS.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Ok, That's cool,

    i don't know when i walk through on BOL it mess me some times, seems like looking for another sources that time again i'm getting mess what will be that...

    finally i stick on to reading books...recently i found here some one suggested this book now i'm following it "T-SQL Fundamentals by itzik ben gan".

    Can you please suggest me next books...???

  • ganeshnarim (2/21/2012)

    Ok, That's cool,

    i don't know when i walk through on BOL it mess me some times, seems like looking for another sources that time again i'm getting mess what will be that...

    finally i stick on to reading books...recently i found here some one suggested this book now i'm following it "T-SQL Fundamentals by itzik ben gan".

    Can you please suggest me next books...???

    I actually printed out the Microsoft Tutorials found here and used these as a book. This is a great place to get all the beginner's knowledge you need. The Itzik Ben Gan book I always thought was for a bit more advanced developers. I could be wrong, but I think the MS tutorials (part of BOL) is great.

    CE - Microsoft

  • I don't know this thing i'm just trying to finish that book in couple of what would you suggest me can i stop it and move to BOL..???

  • I would go to the BOL tutorials. Even if some of it is review, I always relearn something. Then after that you can go to the Itzik Ben Gan book and you will probably understand it much better.

    CE - Microsoft

  • Ok, that sound looks like change me plan of study...!!!!!

    please give me any suggestions for better results using BOL...!!!

  • My suggestions are to use the tutorials, not to just start reading.

    CE - Microsoft

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